
Banggai Breeding

If the male is holding eggs, he won't eat anything until he releases/eats them. Read the Article the Rich wrote. It will help you a bit :) .. keeping the baby is really fun, a lot of work and costly.
Thanks, Phong. I rarely watch them closely when feeding but I'm gonna start..........sounds like something to look into, one things leads to another and EVERYTHING about reefkeeping is to some degree a lot of work and costly.

I've got some news! I'm about to (or already have) become a "step-papa". My bigmouth banggai is refusing to eat the most delicious mysis that make all the other fish go nuts. I see him "fanning" something in his mouth. I'm not in a position to isolate the pair and they're a real pain to catch in the little tank. Is there any chance to hope some fry will survive? How long until I might see them emerge? Under what conditions will I see the fry emerge? It appears that the male dissapears into the reef after the lights go out. This is the first pair of marine fish to pair off and breed for me. :glasses: It's certainly "about time" after all these years. :star:
Rich, I have 4 large adults in my display. I started with 5 - but one was killed off. I have not seem them ever holding any eggs. Is it possible that I have 4 males, or 4 females (yes obviously!), but what is the best way to test them?

Should I capture all 4 and then introduce 2 at a time to a smaller tank - say a 20 gallon?

I would like to then keep a pair, or a known female and rotating males in my breeding tanks, any help would be great. Also, anyone seen somewhat mature fish recently - even a 4-6 month would be sufficient. Otherwise, I would love to get a few babies to raise.

I may have a female you can have. The best way to sex them is by behavior in groups. Im pressed for time right now, but check the link to my article - it talks about attempting to sex them.

If you followed the giving corals thread a while back you will understand why I did not say thank you out right. That is, as an gardener from way back, I want them to live so I say anything besides a direct Thank You.

This is going to be a great journey-
So they are grouped back together after a couple hours of swirling in the currents. Is a K-1( at the top on one end blowing the length of the tank) too much flow for them in a 13g tank? It has rock about half way up with caulerpa prolifera and chaeto around it and the top half is open for the most part. They could go into the caulerpa and avoid the current, but they are just above it, and one really did swirl around the surface until I guided it over to the other two.
IMO, you should feed them at least 2 times a day if you want them stay alive. After couple months you can cut down once a day. Good luck.. raising these guys is very fun.
:D I wish I can do that. Mine start to die one by one when I got lazy feeding them. Another died couple days ago because I didn't feed it for 2 days in a row.
Hey Phong, you get another brood going already?

Of the 2 I got from you, one died 2 days later but the other is still going strong. He's swimming around in my display just fine. Chows down on PE, but tends to ignore everything else. Man, you grew some picky fish. FWIW, he eats only every other day or every 2 days now (I feed pellets, cyclops, arctipods on the other days)
Richard, I kept them all in the breeder net :D .. Just feed them a lot..

Mitch, Mike suppose to pick up the last two but his time and my time doesn't work out. Ask him if it's ok for you pick it up. One died so I only have 1 left. Yeah those are picky a$$ fish.. I tried a lot of stuff too but they only eat mysis.. If you can pick up before Monday that would be great. I'm going to LA next week and would like to get rid of it before I go.
I got a good hatch of BBS tonight! The fry are balls with fins. I might have overfed considering how lightly they have been eating.

Now we're having fun. The main tank went crazy for them too.