Cali Kid Corals

Big FW Catfish.. What to do???

What to do with some catfish that have outgrown my 240??? Just wondering what kind of options there are out there..

Sell to someone with a 480
Give to someone with a 480
I know Max takes big fish all the time but not sure I want to drive to San Jose...
Any other options out there??

Most of my LFS could not accomodate them for any period of time. I know I shouldn't have gotten them originally but when I purchased them I had a tank that could have housed them for at least a couple more years.. The 600 is long gone and they are way too big for the 240...

1 pseudophoras Niger cat aka turushuki cat approx 24"
1 asian red tail cat approx 20+"

The Niger is non agressive but a hearty eater.. Will eat anything that could fit into its small mouth. Eats Shrimp, Smelt, Pellets, Feeders, Trout Chow and anything else you could think of..

The ARTC on the other hand can be an a--hole to other tankmates.. I had two originally but lost the 28+" one during a 20 hour power outtage.. They got along great for the first couple years but started to really beat on eachother after awhile. The one that passed ate or attempted to eat a 13" orinococensis P-bass.. Will also eat anything adn everything it could fit into its mouth..
I've got a brand new fish fryer, never out of the box that's been sitting in the attic for over a year. I can hear the crispy crinkle sounds now ...

My we are a sad and hungry bunch!
hahahaha.. I was part of a Thread a few years back where a good friend could not find a home for a large black pacu. It was up for free for over a month so we held a countdown. When the counter reached zero we fileted it and deep fried it.. The DAY he ate it all of these people came out of the woodwork and said how we were all a--holes for eating a pet fish and that they would have taken it for free.. Noone ever could come up with a pic of their supposed monster tank where they could have kept this behemoth.. The thread lingered for almost a year with more posts than I care to think about.. hahaha pretty much people flaming us hah... So if you guys really want to see me filet it and deep fry it I'll drop it off at the next BAR meeting for you guys to eat!!!! Ian has seen me cut fish.. It'll be quick and painless.......

Hello Lyn I'm not sure if donating them to a public aquarium would be an option.. Does anyone know of one that might take these fish?

Mike, I've dreamed about putting in an inground pond in my backyard and then cover it with a shed hahaha.. Actually it would be more like a small swimming pool :) Then I'd be tempted to get some really big fish.. Which would lead to the same problem.. Except for it wouldn't be 2 2' long catfish. It'd be like, Free: To Good Home, 5' arapaima and 40lb pacu hahahahah
Only flames you seem to be getting on BAR are for the deep fryer! Back in high school my family named our potbelly Porkchop. Ended up slow cooking the whole thing though so no pork chops.
BOD meeting at Bryan's house again? He told me the story of his deep fryer during the Super Bowl, sounds like that bad boy needs to come out of storage! :D
Wow, all this help in relocating some valuable livestock.

I must admit that if these animals have achieved more than about a pound and a half to total weight, that cajun style sounds best to me too.

"I love animals 'cause they taste so good"
Ok one fish gone.. Kinda had mixed feelings about eating him.. :( Times are tough though... Gonna hold onto the second one in hopes of finding him another home for a couple of weeks.. Other wise he will probably meet the same fate.... When is the next BOD meeting. I know Eric wanted to try it.....