Reef nutrition

Brrrr it's cold!!!


Supporting Member
Just got back from Tahoe literally a few hours ago, I'll post pictures and stuff later because I still gotta go to work tonight :D

Anyways last night in Tahoe.. -7° according to the weather guy, although my car only said 10°... my tank however according to my AC3, got down to 72.7°! Guess it was cold over here too! So cold a 500w heater couldn't keep the tank warm enough :D I'm sure that PG&E meter is spinning like crazy though as it's been 500watts on 24hrs a day for the past couple days.

Interesting to note though that my 2-250w MH lamps managed to raise the temperature around 2° when the heater is also on (gotta love those graphing features!), well that's the downside of keeping your tanks in an unheated room (although it's not like my heater was keeping the house warm when I was gone!), currently the tank is hovering around 75° but we'll see what happens tonight! Hopefully not another cold one!
with tank temps getting cold, makes me wonder if anyone ever got so desperate that they heated tank water on their stove and added to sump. Imagine explaining that one to your S.O.!
My tank also went down to 72 degrees last night. It went up to 75 during the day today with the lights on. The weather should be warming up in a day or 2 though--back to ideal reefing temperatures.
Must be a problem with the big tanks, my 29 gallon is pretty keyed in, but normally around mid day the chiller comes on for a little bit, I haven't heard it come on in the past couple of days :)
CookieJar said:
with tank temps getting cold, makes me wonder if anyone ever got so desperate that they heated tank water on their stove and added to sump. Imagine explaining that one to your S.O.!

Done that. Lost power for a day.