Reef nutrition

Can't they all just get along?

Soooooo, I just purchased a six line wrasse and atank raised orchid dottyback this weekend and added them to my 29 gallon with the residents of 1.5 years, my tomato clowns from Jimsar and my yellow clown goby. Everyone was getting used to each other with the momma tomato clown running the show. I did notice that the dottyback had a rip in her tail fin but didn't think much of it. Then I come home today and the top half of her tail is missing and there is a rip in her dorsal fin. I watched the tank for a few minutes and saw the punk six-line chasing her into the rock work. What a jerk. Luckily I used my ninja skills to get her to hide in the rock and then I lifted the whole rock out of the water. A quick dip into the sump and she jumped out of the rock into her new home to rehabilitate and regrow the fins. I guess I will have to find her a new home as soon as her fins heal because I love the colors on the six-line. Or maybe I will just let her hang out in the sump and eat all of the pods and such cause a forty gallon sump should be big enough for one little fish. At least the clowns seem to be geting along fine and are even showing sings of getting ready to spawn finally! They are 1 year and 9 months old now so it is about time. :D
I had a similar thing happen this week. My tomato clown after 3 years of
co-existing starting beating the crap out of my false percula pair (fins severly torn). They were in a 125 gallon. I had to separate them and stick the percula clowns in a 12 gallon prop tank. I hope they survive the shock and dont get any infections.
The dottyback seems to be doing fine this morning swimming around in the sump just fine. I too hope she doesn't get an infection.
Yeah, 6-liners /are/ little bastages! but I love them so.. very fun to watch combing the LR for copepods and what-not. I will be adding one soon.. weee!