Neptune Aquatics

Clam emitting white substance - reproduction?

As the title suggests, my 12 inch maxima clam keeps expelling a white milky substance. It's been going on for about 45 minutes now. I'm assuming it is reproduction?? Is the clam sick?? Any ideas when it will stop?

Ok, so I just did some googling (finally found it after adding the word "sperm"..along with some naughty websites, ha!) and there looks to be potential of oxygen depletion due to the clam's "release." I've put it in my 5 gallon bucket as I don't have a QT.

Any insight is still appreciated :)
I remember a while back we had a speaker at a meeting who briefly mentioned problems that occur with spawnings. If you can, do a water change and run some carbon.
Best way to fight low oxygen is to add it back. Air pump + airstone in a place to cause micro bubbles is a sure fire way to up O2.
Yea, except he turned the entire tank into a 2% milk bath. Hah. I QTed the clam and he stopped emitting his "baby batter." So I put him back in the tank this morning. I'll continue to monitor and hope he's done with his "ordeal." Ha.

Thanks everyone!