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Coating magnets for use in tank

Copied from a PM from a member of sdreefs- malakaikingston. It's to coat magnets you find anywhere (or online) for use in magracks, mag-frag plugs, etc.

Called Plasti-Dip

It's at home depot > Paint > Spraypaint Section

You are going to want to do 4+ coats try to make then thick and do them 45 minutes apart. The trick to dipping them is put them on the head of a bolt and use the thread of the bolt to dip the magnet into a glass container that you transfer the dip into. Once you dip it put the tail of the bold on something metal and the magnet will keep it in place, you need to give each magnet at least 4-6" or else they will go all crazy town on you.

After you do 4 coats on one side wait an hour or more so the coats are very firm, flip the magnet on the bolt head and do 4 coats on that side.
thanks for sharing this advice! I tried using 2 part epoxy to coat my magnets but was not pleased with the results at all. I was considering using plasti-dip.

Using the bolt is a great idea. I ordered a bunch of magnets from to make my own mag-frag racks.

What size magnets are you using? Right now I'm trying the D92 and DC2 magnets (see the before mentioned website for details).