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Filtered Tap Water for ATO...


Supporting Member
Been down this topic before but reconsidering using filtered tap for my ATO in my office tank.

I've been lugging 5G RODI to work regularly but getting to a point that this is starting to get challenging and becoming a drag.

So really tempted to begin using filtered tap that comes out of a commercial filtered water dispenser and tossing in some dechlorinator as my ATO water. The dispensed water has about 45 TDS on average.

Water will be for my 20G IM office tank with just a couple of softies...and eventually a BTA (Maybe a high end?).

Check Alk and Ca after you mix in the salt.
Depending on water source, they may be fine, or may be way out of whack.

You may barely even need dechlorinators.

Is the office filter regularly maintained? That could be an issue if it is left for years.

But otherwise, probably be fine.
The office filter is regularly maintained and looks like it runs UV as well.

Just in case, I bought some API water conditioner that also helps with heavy metals, on top of chlorine and chloramine.

On plus side, this is strictly for ATO. But not for mixing water...
I ran tap water for years without any problems on FOWLR and an Anenome tank with basic corals. But, If your talking about your prized show display tank I don't think I would do it.
It all depends on whats in your office tank and if you've got some nice corals in there you dont want to lose.
after losing some high end pieces in there, I will probably not go too crazy in the tank. Guess I will give it a go on the filtered tap. Worst case, I do a massive water change...

I've seen someone's tank on R2R that ran solely tap and it looked amazing...

That said, just remeasured the filtered water... TDS came out to 85... so more than I care for but will take a plunge anyway with extra dose of water conditioner... will probably add so seachem phosguard as well to the tank to be safe...
How much top off does it go through per day or week? Maybe just bring like a liter bottle or two every day with you instead of 5 gal all at once?
I bet unfiltered tap would be ok for a softie tank with dechlor to be honest.
in my old office tank, I use to use a 1.25 G OXO container as my ATO reservoir... but with a 20G here, I decided to just put a 5G to somewhat set it and forget it... plus, times when I am not here, I don't have to worry about my ATO going nuts with the alarms.

I just made up about 3G of dechlorinated filtered water... gonna let my system run for a few weeks and see how it goes. Just did my first top off with it, in fact...with a bag of Phosguard.

For peace of mind, I might use some chemi pure down the road. Been debating moving one of my higher end nems into the tank... or at least one of my nicer BTAs.
As I recall from the Steinhart tour, they use SF city water run through a massive carbon filter, and that’s it.
I used to use a zero water filter pitcher for my ATO when I first started my tank in SF. Worked great and pretty close to RODI, just much, much, slower.
Welp -- after the first year day of tap water top off and phosguard, my tank is looking pretty happy... all the softies and RFA look very full and bubbly... even more so that before.
I just put it in a media bag in my sump. You can leave it in until you start seeing the po4 rise. When it starts to rise it means it’s exhausted and needs to be changed.