Cali Kid Corals

Finding Available Frags

I added a tracking page that lists all the chains with frags marked "Frags Ready". This should make it much easier to find old frags that are available. Check it out! Of course, this only works if people update their frag statuses, so be sure to do that!

There's a link to this page from the general DBTC info page. (

Erin, it's not pulling new chains that have just been recently been created since they don't carry the 'frags ready' status. Any way to rectify this?
Hmmm. That's a good point! I guess we don't have a way for the chain originator to indicate frags ready vs. complete. I think we need to change it so that the root of the chain is a real frag rather than being implicit. That would let the chain originator set a status. Unfortunately it's kind of a big change so I don't know if I can do that immediately.
Erin also added in my second dream feature (I knew it could be done and she did it!)

Everyone, check on your DBTC page.
This is mine
Look! There is now a sortable status column for all the frags you have and those you have given. Makes it very easy to see what you need to update and how your distributions are doing :-D
I'm glad you like it, Tony! On the account DBTC pages I fixed the page buttons too. Previously they were linked in a weird way between the two tables. They also now use ajax to update without refreshing the page.
I didnt read the op well :p

Erin, can you bold "How do I find chains that have frags available?" and make it a header or something? It is buried in the text right now