
Fish Tanks..its the must have accessory for your $10 million home.

Enjoy but don't be hater--if we had that kind of dough we would do the same thing:

meh.. fricking noobs, It's the perfect example of how expensive things can get when you just throw money at something and say "I want it!" It's funny it's called the 6 figure aquarium... yet the last one said only $8k.
Those lookdowns in that bar are pretty cool looking you have to admit if you check out the linked website.

I don't hate at all.

OK back to work so I can afford it all.
Mike, that is $8K for a 78g tank. They are like picture frame tanks, not much you can do with them. That is also just the tank, nothing else. I would suspect he ended up paying closer to $25k-35k just to have it set-up. And the cost is $8,400 with no shipping, the article is off.

Cool, they interviewed Joe... great guy and his companies are pretty great as well (the one mentioned, and Unique Corals).

It was Mr. Caparatta who suspended a 700-gallon aquarium from the ceiling of a town house apartment in the West Village owned by Richard Wise and Andre Jones. The filled tank weighs at least 6,000 pounds and has cost the couple some $200,000 in equipment and service.

Sounds about right.
This quote (from the slide show) makes me think of many reef hobbyists in urban California:
"In his small studio in Murray Hill, Tod Michael Volpe has filled his 150-gallon coral reef tank with various breeds of fish, including a poisonous rockfish, a clown triggerfish and a spotted purple grouper that he says he's raised since it was a baby and is now 'nearly a foot long.'"
“How do you make it feel like you’re not standing in a white, pristine, soul-less box?”

[rant] Step away from the bleak, empty, soul-less life you live? Include elements from your personal life that people might be drawn to? Maybe have interests beyond the job or image you're trying to project? And stop thinking of the Earth's co-habitants as a material possession that are available at your beck and call or that they’re decorative or "in". [/rant]

Sorry, stuff like this really bugs....

patrickb said:
Enjoy but don't be hater--if we had that kind of dough we would do the same thing:


Yes, I would do the same thing. I'd love to be able to do the same thing. However, my decision to do this would never forget that these are living creatures that I’ve agreed to care for until the end. Not until they out grew their tanks or became out of fashion or it was time to change the décor.

I feel you Gregory, look at it this way though though, there are tons of guys out there like me that develop relationships with the customer and educate them about how delicate things really are, both at home and in the wild. Not only does that affect their view on reefs both captive and wild, I've shifted many a customers whole perspective on environment with a stupid fish tank :)

We're not all soulless "fish guys".
Yes, it would be great if I was so rich that I wouldn't have to know anything about reef keeping. Extra cool that any dead fish automatically disappear due to an endless supply of replacement fish. Not that I'd feel bad about dead fish, anyways. I need some of those colorless sharks too.
GDawson said:
Yes, I would do the same thing. I'd love to be able to do the same thing. However, my decision to do this would never forget that these are living creatures that I’ve agreed to care for until the end. Not until they out grew their tanks or became out of fashion or it was time to change the décor.


tuberider said:
I feel you Gregory, look at it this way though though, there are tons of guys out there like me that develop relationships with the customer and educate them about how delicate things really are, both at home and in the wild. Not only does that affect their view on reefs both captive and wild, I've shifted many a customers whole perspective on environment with a stupid fish tank :)

We're not all soulless "fish guys".

I can tell you neither is Joe C. that was interviewed :) I was the same way when I did it :
tuberider said:
I feel you Gregory, look at it this way though though, there are tons of guys out there like me that develop relationships with the customer and educate them about how delicate things really are, both at home and in the wild. Not only does that affect their view on reefs both captive and wild, I've shifted many a customers whole perspective on environment with a stupid fish tank :)

We're not all soulless "fish guys".

I'm better now. I've taken my meds. :)

Mr. Ugly said:
GDawson said:
Yes, I would do the same thing. I'd love to be able to do the same thing. However, my decision to do this would never forget that these are living creatures that I’ve agreed to care for until the end. Not until they out grew their tanks or became out of fashion or it was time to change the décor.


“Some clients want nothing to do with the fish tank — they don’t want to feed it, they don’t want to clean algae off the glass,” he said.
I love feeding my tank, because my clown recognizes me as a friend because I feed it(also it is cool to watch the LPS eat :) ).