Reef nutrition

FREE 24' LPS Growout Contest - Dragon Soul Favia

Are you IN or OUT?!

  • Total voters


Sponsorship/Public Relations
There are still many details to get squared away, but get yourself on the list as a participant ASAP! I'm working diligently on organizing a fun and thorough contest for you all.


This contest is a friendly competition to see whose tank and husbandry techniques can grow corals the fastest.
Bragging rights and prizes will be won!

This contest is FREE to all supporting members! If you are not a supporting member, sign up HERE, then come back to get signed up.

The THREE people with the most measurable growth by at the end of the contest will win a prize!
(Specific prizes TBD)

Name: Dragon Soul Favia
Purchased by BAR at Neptune's Aquatics
( @robert4025 )
Picture of the coral

How do I sign up?
  1. Post in this thread, specifically stating that you want to be a participant
  2. Complete the poll at the top of this post!
Contest Timeline

February 18, 2024 - November 3, 2024 (8 months)

This contest starts Feb 18, 2024 at the frag workshop or you can pickup your frag from another member, or at High Tide Aquatics. You will have until March 3, 2024 to coordinate the pickup or delivery of your frag from High Tide or another member.
If you do not get your frag before then, you're out of the contest.

Details on the workshop HERE

@under_water_ninja has been gracious enough to not only house this colony, but also to keep the freshly cut frags there to heal and recover.

If you go to pickup your frag at High Tide, I would encourage you to look around and do some shopping. Be sure to give him a big thank you and your appreciation for helping out BAR.

In the unlikely event we have more people than frags, it will be first come first serve to those that reserved a spot here on this thread.

Official Rules
  • 1st photo and general tank info REQUIRED within 48hrs of obtaining your frag.
  • All contestants must include a monthly entry/update post with a clear photo of the contest frag.
  • Entries must be submitted before the end of the month, each month, beginning March 24, 2024 and ending December 2024.
  • No more than one monthly entry may be missed.
  • Two missed monthly updates will result in disqualification.
  • If you plan to miss an entry, notify me via PM @ReyDeFarts before the last week of the that month to avoid disqualification.
  • Monthly water parameter info encouraged but not required. (E.g. Salinity, Alkalinity, pH, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrate, Phosphate, etc.)
  • Picture cannot be altered in any way. Use of an orange filter is ok.


$100 will be awarded to first place winner
second, and third-place winners.

Looking for volunteers that will not be participating in this contest.

Judges and coordinator(s) reserve the right to change these rules if needed.

More updates to come.
Please be patient...I'm working on it.
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@iani I notice the same with this coral in my tank but I was also blaming my horrible mounting. Since then, I have learned -from you here on BAR- to give nice epoxy conical boarder to expand down on easily. Took me two years to get from one polyp to now three. It is a cool coral for sure though.

I did a bad job mounting.
I've been informed that it won't be hard to judge. This colony has already been purchased, so we will be proceeding as planned. I appreciate the insight @iani and @Patio .

Contest judging details changed to observable growth, not new mouths.
FYI, this type of favia is not typically a very fast grower. In fact its typically a very slow grower. This may not be the best coral for a grow out contest.
I will have to defer to @Srt4eric on this choice.

We have time to find another type.
2 years to go from 1 polyp to 3!
We should take their info into consideration.

I'm 100% in support of changing up the frag type for this contest. I'd rather us wait to start this contest with the right coral versus everyone having 1 polyp by the end of this...
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