got ethical husbandry?

Getting out of my hobby hiatus :)


Supporting Member
Hey there! I'm Cayde, and it's a pleasure to introduce myself.
I've been out of the hobby for over a decade now, but I'm happily getting back into the swing of things. I was gifted a 10g AIO setup with a Clarkii clown pair, and it sorta snowballed from there (literally). I think like two weeks later I adopted another 10g AIO - the same tank, oddly enough (Nuvo Fusion Nano 10) - with a mated and breeding pair of Ultimate Snowflake Clownfish! I'll be posting tank breakdowns and journals soon. Both clownfish pairs are getting upgrades - I've got a dry 32g Coralife Biocube for the Ultimate Snowflake pair, and I have a Red Sea Max 130D w/Eshopps RS-75 sump (34g display, 12g sump, 46g total) filled to the brim with live rock that I'll eventually turn into the Clarkii's tank.
I'm new to saltwater, and I used to keep a planted shrimp tank, several goldfish tanks (50g+), betta sororities, and my personal favorite, Amazon Pufferfish (Colomesus asellus).

I'll be attending the 06/01 frag swap and can't wait to meet some of you guys. :)
Hey there! I'm Cayde, and it's a pleasure to introduce myself.
I've been out of the hobby for over a decade now, but I'm happily getting back into the swing of things. I was gifted a 10g AIO setup with a Clarkii clown pair, and it sorta snowballed from there (literally). I think like two weeks later I adopted another 10g AIO - the same tank, oddly enough (Nuvo Fusion Nano 10) - with a mated and breeding pair of Ultimate Snowflake Clownfish! I'll be posting tank breakdowns and journals soon. Both clownfish pairs are getting upgrades - I've got a dry 32g Coralife Biocube for the Ultimate Snowflake pair, and I have a Red Sea Max 130D w/Eshopps RS-75 sump (34g display, 12g sump, 46g total) filled to the brim with live rock that I'll eventually turn into the Clarkii's tank.
I'm new to saltwater, and I used to keep a planted shrimp tank, several goldfish tanks (50g+), betta sororities, and my personal favorite, Amazon Pufferfish (Colomesus asellus).

I'll be attending the 06/01 frag swap and can't wait to meet some of you guys. :)
Welcome! There's an aquarium company called Cade now too so obviously you'll need to get one for your next upgrade. Maybe throw a Y in there too!