got ethical husbandry?

Go Blue!

Yes, I went to the University of Michigan, but that's not what I'm talking about.

I received a Radium in the mail today. I can't wait to go home and try it out!
OTA Special ordered them some weeks ago, missed the sign up list sadly... but a good thing since I'm not supposed to be spending money. Post pics before/after !!
Wow. Well, it's going to take some getting used to but I think I like it. Some things (zoanthids, torch, acan, mushrooms) look -really- great and I suspect the bluer lighting will help everything color up a bit more.

It still feels not entirely lit up, though. I guess the whiter light just registers as bright daylight in a way the bluer light doesn't. I sort of want to add a bunch of spotlights in a less blue color to simulate sun rays slanting in. Hmm...
I also just got a 20K Radium in the mail and will probably put it in tonight when I get home. I love the 14K Phoenix bulbs that I've been using for the last couple years but I'm curious to see what the differences are. Hopefully I can post a before and after pic.
As promised, here are the pictures of my tank before and after I switched bulbs. I can't really tell the difference yet. But maybe the corals will pop a bit more in a month or so.

Here is my tank with the 14K Phoenix bulb:

And here is my tank with the 20K Radium bulb: