got ethical husbandry?

Help ish

Was wondering if anyone could help me take a picture of identify some strange bug like things in my tank.
I noticed them awahile ago but just thought it was growth of some sort. Then when I look close at my rocks I see red spots all over the place and I sit there and watch and see them move. So I took my turkey baster and sucked some into a small container but I have nothing that can zoom in that close as they are small.

So does anyone have some spare time and a good camera? Or maybe help try and Id without a pictures. I already know its not AEFW as it is bigger and I have no acro lol.

Jon by the way I live in mountain view near moffet
Yep did a google search after I saw the image on RC and it is red planaria. :( not good so now to grab some flatworms exit stuff and to slowly cure my tank. I did read that a six line, leopard wrasse, or mandarin have seen to eat them just wondering if anyone has a personnel exp with them. I won't be getting a mandarin till my tanks about 1 years old and I have heard that a six line can be mean later on.

Thanks jon
search this forum, we go over this on what seems to be a bi-monthly basis.

They are pretty harmless themselves but in large quantities they can smother corals in the sense they block the light. They do not eat corals. When they die in mass they are toxic. They are mainly just an eye sore.

Most try a chemical treatment but fail to address why they have them in the first place, elevated nutrients. I bring this up in every thread just about and just about every thread they go to chemicals. 9:10 they come back alter saying they now have "x" problem which is typically an elevated nutrient issue.
Thanks Gresham and I'll search this forum when I get home. I always try natural ways for removal as chemicals are quick fixes but like you say aren't the problem solver. I do have alot and will just try and siphon what I can out and go from there. I have not seen them on my corals just the disks do that's good. I might look into my nutrients. What would you refinement for frozen foods a's I am in the need of new supply.

Thanks again
If you want a temporary control for them there is a nudibranch (I am not sure if it really is; it could be just a mislabeled slug because it has no visible external gills) that will eat them, but do not rely on it to wipe them out though it will reduce there number until they run out of your tanks excess nutrients. You always won't have to worry about the toxins Gresham mentioned because there will not be many of them. Its name is Chelidonura varians.
I have been getting rid of my excess nutrients you wouldn't believe how much a turkey Baster gets into lol. And when I do my water changes have been sucking them off a's well. Thanks and I will look into the nudi and the statement about anything with claws makes since because I always see my pistol shrimp on the rock work
Pistol shrimp will eat the nudi right up.

Nudis for any kind of control really do best (only work) if you move the problem to them in a safe tank.