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Help with Phosphate readings

It’s Lanthanum Chloride and definitely works. Some reefers like it because it’s predictable. It will bind to phosphates in an exact amount (as long as the phosphate is available), but be sure you take care of the flocculant that is formed. Many people drop lanthanum chloride directly into skimmer or into a filter sock.

Many other manufacturers have a lanthanum chloride product (e.g., Brightwell Phosphate-e, two little fishies Phosban-L).
I drop it directly into my sump. Chamber right before the return pump. No filter sock. It does turn the water a bit cloudy for a few minutes but clears up in about an hour. Use with caution if you have tangs tho.
How many fishes do you have in your 40g? Do you feed pellets or flakes? What level is your nitrates? Nitrates and Phosphates go hand in hand. You’ll want to zero in on the reason why your levels are high. But in the meantime weekly dose of Phosphate RX works miracles to slowly reduce your Phosphates. A few drops a week will work wonders. Go slow.

Blue Life Phosphate Rx
I have 2 clowns and 2 damsels and a bunch of CUC. I have flake that I occasionally feed to mix it up, but usually half of a frozen mysis cube once a day and also Benepets Reef food twice a week. My nitrates seems to be barely above zero using a Salifert test kit.
anyone tried vokda dosing? i saw someone did it on youtube
Vodka dosing is just another form of carbon dosing and does work as it feeds and grows the bacteria colonies that consume nitrates and phosphates but I believe that it lowers nitrates much more than phosphates and gfo still may be needed. (I could be wrong on that last statment)

Also in this scenario since his nitrates are supposedly already near 0 he would definitely bottom out on NO3 if he did carbon dosing.