got ethical husbandry?

ICH question

I have only three fish in my 90 right now. 2 clowns and a hippo tang. My question is what would Ich look like. My tang is eating good but I think I see a couple of white dots on her. Bu she is so quick and hides so much I can't get a close look. But again it is hard to tell because I also have micro bubbles in the tank so I also cant tell if it is micro bubbles stuck to her. All other fish look good. Are white spots the only sign of Ich?

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Kinda hard to tell. If it stays on there, I would say it's ich. If it's gone after the fish swims around a bit, I'd go with an air bubble. I know it sounds rather elementary, but that's how I determine if mine have the parasites or not.

Also, does it look like the white spot is embedded in the flesh?
Hippos seem to have a spot or two until they finally acclimate and start to grow, which can take a while. I wouldn't go crazy trying to treat it at this point, with a good diet and time it should pass. They are very skittish by nature as well, so unless it's flashing like crazy or breathing heavy and spitting food out you're fine.
is everyone still eating? if so it might just pass on its own. if you see someone not eating thats when i would prolly treat. and if you can quarintine them. ive heard the reef safe doesnt work well.
Well catching them is a B@#$. I tried but yes everyone is eating the same as usual. I should just continue to feed as normal and watch them and if eating habits don't chance it can pass?
The only thing that is high right now is P04. it is a .5. I just started vodka dosing to get it down but it seem to be a slow process. Yesterday I did a 20% WC.