High Tide Aquatics

ID this disease

I have posted quite a bit about my battle with zoa pox that's not going well. Today I was at Aquatic Collection and Joe said, as hes been telling me for months that he suspects its not zoa pox but my coral beauty that's doing the damage. I have had the coral beauty for years, and have seen him eat stonies but never really seen him nip zoas. Its only certain zoas that repeatedly lose there skirts or melt, some grow back some not. Below is some pics of a colony that recently went under after months of being fine. The last pic is of the same colony about a month ago when healthy bubble algae not an issue anymore. Thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Doesn't look like zoa pox to me.

Did you actually see big white blotchy bumps on the zoas?

I could believe a Coral Beauty nipping at them.
Thanks mr ugly I haven't seen anything substantial as far as white spots or bumps. My thought is if I further believe its not zoa pox and if I can catch the coral beauty I can put it in a spare 10 gallon I have for a QT tank. Wait a few week and see what the zoas look like then. How to catch him is the issue.
The trap was set for three days and I caught one fish before the right one entered. You can see six progression shots here. http://s870.photobucket.com/albums/ab269/yardartist/fish%20trap/
First coral beauty in the tank and last in the refugium. The second shows the notch I cut in the funnel opening to let the tall bodied fish in. I did not feed the tank for three days. Its yours if you want to give it a try.
Cool thanks for the detail that helped a lot. I am going to try to net him during feeding as he seems distracted enough for me to get him. Its a long shot but ill try that first then I'll move on to the proven bottle method. Why did you have to remove him? I just noticed last night mine kinda nipping at the affected colony so I am now assuming hes the culprit. Going to set up the 10 gallon tonight for him then it will be off to a new home here or at Aquatic Collection.
It had one coral it decided to just tap every fifteen minutes or so. The coral was not getting smaller as in consumed, but it never opened. About a year before its OCD reared its ugly head. If Jeremy says it, I believe it. 'Its only a matter of time...'
My CB has been a good citizen so far ..... but I believe Jeremy on that also.

I have read that you should make sure you have a few rocks with some algae for them to "pick" at,
and to make sure they get a bit of extra Spirulina in their diet, and perhaps nori/other marine algae.
It does make a certain amount of sense.
Anyone know if that is true, or is it just hopeful thinking?

Edit to clarify:
The theory being that not enough algae in the diet, or the natural habit to "pick" combined with nothing
useful to pick on, is what causes them to turn to eating coral.
I never saw mine eat coral. I saw it hit it. Maybe you are on to something Mark to have something that they do in the wild available in the tank. Not sure what that is for this fish.