High Tide Aquatics

Key Largo Rocks from Macro rocks...

I've used this kind of rocks before with my old tank but just wanted to get some opinions of preparing them before I put them in the tank. I've rinsed them before and just let them air dry before I placed them inside the tank. I've read somewhere that it is better to let them run on some saltwater with powerhead and heater for a few weeks or so. Is this necessary? I'll be using RO water when I rinse them. Thanks!
With the Key Largo he sells there really isnt a need to cure them (for organics).
if you read the website thats the biggest perk besides awesome shapes and shelf that these rocks have to offer..... peace of mind is a plus n you no your not getting any parasites
Thanks for reminding me of this. I'm going this route for my new tank. Last time I went the the full of dead-life live-rock route I got a freaking mantis shrimp.
Sfork said:
Thanks for reminding me of this. I'm going this route for my new tank. Last time I went the the full of dead-life live-rock route I got a freaking mantis shrimp.

Me too!! Oh, and he's killed a bunch of my CUC and Harlequin shrimp. I've only seen him once. Next tank I'm going with marco rock in the DT.
Like any new substrate it will need time for bacteria to colonize it.

- IME-
If you want to put a bunch in an established tank, I would do it in a few stages. Smaller amounts aren't a big deal.