Reef nutrition

large angels

anyoen have any success with large angels in their reef? I don't have much corals but i do like fish. I want a large show piece fish in my tank. Just wondering anyone will good success with a large angel in their tank.


My only experience was with a coral beauty. It was a georious fish but it was a nipper so I had to pull it out :( I know that's a small angel but thought I'd mention it.
Genicanthus is all I'd trust when it comes to larger angels, I know people that have had luck with some of the Pomacanthus stuff, I can't say I'm one of them though.
I think there was an article on the blue face (??) that was somewhat reef safe. However that being said I wouldn't trust a single damn one of them in either of my tanks. Also you should really have a very large tank (200+) before considering a large angel
I had luck with 5" majestic angel in my 225 gallon reef tank. He was a model citizen except he liked zoos. He was ok with sps and lps. Lost him due to out break of ick.