High Tide Aquatics

Leemar Starphire 290

Was moving stuff around and moved out the giant chalice. It's gotten so big that the reach of it's tenticles is causing problems. I can't decide what to do with it just yet, but thought I would share some of the growth shots. I am excited to see things thrive in the tank. Makes the hard work worth it. ;)

Been on vacation, so I have to catch up on here. Went Diving in Roatan, Honduras. It was awesome. I took a bunch of pics with the GoPro and video's. If / when I get them sorted I will post some of the dive photo's. Hope everyone is having a good summer.

Pics......... October, 2012. Had been in my frag tank for about a month before this shot. Wish I had a pic of day 1.

January, 2013

Taken yesterday.......Holy........

It is extremely brittle and delicate.
Holy moly..... O.O

Hope you had a great time on vacay!!! :D Can't wait to see some pics. I bet your little girl was happy to see you (unless she was very lucky and got to travel with you, hehe)

Abby was stoked that we were home. We had a great house sitter though.......did great with the tank too. I printed out several pages of instructions on cleaning the skimmer, topping off the freshwater bucket, adding kalkwasser, feeding.......spot feeding the NPS coral, how to safely clean the glass. I even showed him how to find corals that the urchin might have knocked off and put them in the frag tank. LOL! Poor guy was probably a nervous wreck watching how obsessed I am. He did great though. I laid out the shedule on a Calander and he followed it to the letter.

Tank looks great and the alk was perfect when I got home. Now I have the directions for next years vacation.
Excellent idea's guys. Thank you. I will look into a way to put some kind of pan / water protection in there. Robert also suggested a drain hole in the bottom. It would drain right onto the concrete, so it's all good. ;)


The tank is ON THE STAND!

Today went so smooth. We rented a 1000 lb rated Genie lift and it was PERFECT!

Look at all that space!! Can't wait to get the rocks going. ;)

I'm slowly making my way through your thread, and just had to take a minute to say, "WOW!" I love your tank and stand. What an amazing setup
Thanks Lawrence! I change about 80 gallons every 10-15 days depending on my schedule. I find it's not worth the hassle of dealing with problems AFTER they start. Instead I try to keep on top of things to avoid them all together. Works MOST of the time. ;)

I need to make another video, but just haven't had the time. I also broke apart my giant red Monti in the middle of the tank. Was going to give it some time to start growing back in. It was taking up too much space.
wow 80 gals.. thats a hell of a water change haha! i sure can learn a lot from how you operate.. to be truthfully honest, i dont think i have even switched out 40% of the originial saltwater that was in the tank since setting it up 8 months ago.. and i have quite a few sps that are growing, though color could be better.
wow 80 gals.. thats a hell of a water change haha! i sure can learn a lot from how you operate.. to be truthfully honest, i dont think i have even switched out 40% of the originial saltwater that was in the tank since setting it up 8 months ago.. and i have quite a few sps that are growing, though color could be better.

Every tank is going to be different. Your bio load, feeding habits, lighting, flow, filtration, etc, etc, etc..........all things that can change a tank for good or bad. I have had many tanks over the years and never did as many water changes as I do now. Of coarse I have never had a tank look as good either. ;) This tank was decided from the start that it was ALL or nothin!! So far, so good.....however I still have several years before it's the tank I hope it will be. That's a long time to go without any major problems. We'll see.