Reef nutrition

Let's use my space for something more than a coral farm

Now you talking Jim. How about LED workshop? Gotta put my bulbs to good use because the technology is passing by me, right yardist?
Sure, that would be fine but someone else would have to run it. I know very little about LED technology. Mostly what Zeb and Gresham and Jake tell me!
Don't trust what Bryan says, he just read that crap on the internet :lol:
eldiablosrt8 said:
how about frag swap... or a frag lottery????

then you can charge a door charge and use space for profit
Using the space for profit certainly IS a new idea. I do want to keep it manageable in the space so open invite frag swaps are out (anyway, there's always people swapping coral with each other in the store all day long, which I encourage). So I was thinking about something that was drier, LOL. Keep the ideas coming though!
Mr. Ugly said:
Put up a sign that says "Jim's Livingroom" and people can just come by to hang out, watch movies, and eat bbq.
That sounds good but I don't know anyone who can cook BBQ. Do you????????
Seriously though, I'm not sure how the city of Bezerkeley would feel about BBQ's on the sidewalk since we don't have a parking lot. Which is too bad...