
Marshall Island Tri-color


I have one small frag available and will try to make it to the meeting Saturday but can not guarantee because of work.
Otherwise you can pick up after the meeting at my work in Hayward (less then one mile from ASAP).
I will not cut frag until it is confirmed for Saturday. If you prefer I can cut and let it heal for pick up in Redwood City at a later time.
This is a next generation from Qwiv's DBTC and should be from the Marshall Islands.

Usual rules:

- you are a BAR member
- you are able to keep SPS in your tank
- you agree to frag to at least 3 other people for free before trading or selling (it grows fast)
- you agree to give me back a frag if my tank crashes or I lose the colony
- growth pics would be great!
Dochou, you got it. Will you be at the meeting tomorrow or will you pick up in Redwood City? Also, do you want it mounted on a plug?
Just fragged the Tri-color:

I have this nice sized piece available for pick up at the April meeting. Same rules as above AND pick a number between 1 and 20.

I told myself I wasn't going to ask for anymore SPSs, but I like the colors on this one. Such a nice piece Aldie!

# 8 for me please. :)

TAKE ME OFF ALDIE, I FORGOT I HAVE TO GO TO A NIECES WEDDING AND WON'T BE AT THE MEETING. I am bummed about it. I really wanted to hear the presentation.

Hmmm...There are no colors or scratch off lines in this new program. :/ Sorry about all the caps, but I wanted to make sure you saw that I recind my request for this coral.
Sorry it took so long to respond. I was waiting to see if I would be able to make it to the meeting but work will be too busy.
If anybody is still interested in this big frag and willing to pick up in Redwood City at my house please let me know.