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Med to kill off bristleworms?

If youre worried about beneficial bacteria I have a bunch of ceramic media zipped in media bags hanging out in my sump. That tanks gonna go away soon so you can have a whole bag.
Plus I have a 20g brute with all the live rock from my old tank - you can hammer off as big of a piece as you'd like.

Not an exact answer but maybe it opens up some possibilities for ya
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My six line devastated my bristle worm population which kinda sucked lol liked having them around to fill the gap..Plus the nassarius snails competed for food like animals. One thing when I had alot most took over vacant crab shells so was super easy to take out if I wanted too..I kept a few bristle worms with aptaisa on a small pice of rubble in Tupperware for 6 months lid on no food and all survived crazy ! Actually forgot about the container found it in the garage 6 months later..Electric shock or low voltage current to the tank? Lol not recommended without experience!!