Cali Kid Corals

Mike D's 40 gal Reef


Supporting Member
Hello All,

I have the 40 gallon TALL tank (I wish it was a breeder but got a deal I couldn't pass on with the tank) with a tiny 5 gallon sump that I modified with different chambers.

K7 PRO III for lighting
2x wave makers (1 MagTool Slim Pro 6000, 1 MagTool Slim Pro 8000)
Hygger 800gph Return pump
Fluval E200- 200w heater
No Skimmer
40 lbs of live rock (30 lbs of Fiji rock from another reefer and 10 lbs of Australian live rock that I ordered & picked up when I was in LA 3 months ago.
1 ATO that I haven't setup yet :)

I never went through a ugly stage I think for several reasons, I used really healthy live rock full of life and lots of coralline algae, bought a huge CUC (turbos,blue legged hermits, Nassarius Snails, Astrea Snails), lots of Grape Caulerpa Algae, Lettuce Algae, Chaeto, & Racemosa Caulerpa Alge in the Sump with another bed of sand and 2 large live rocks, and some Racemosa Caulerpa Algae in the tank (Pictured in the front left rocks) that is growing like crazy but I like it lol, and 3" bed of live sand. I currently have 2 Damsels, 2 clowns, 1 Zoa Frag, 1 Duncan Frag, lots of Amphipods & Copepods.

Here are my latest readings from 3 days ago they are very stable so far and have remained at these number for about 2 months now:

Taken using Salifert Reef Tests:
Salinity: 1.026
Temp: 77.5 F
Calcium - 450
Alk- 10.5 KH
PH: 8.0
Magnesium: 1310
Nitrates: 0.25
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0

Attached are some pics of the tank when I got it, and a pic I took yesterday.


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Great start for a tank aside from the caulupera. That stuff will eventually take over your whole tank. Some people have sucess using it as their macro in a Refugium in the sump but there is always risk of it going sexual and it can spread into the display from the sump. If you're religious about trimming and pulling, you may be ok if you like it in the display. (Fyi - this is speaking from research as I've never had any personal experience with it)

The power head on the back might be better served lower on the side opposite the other one either behind or in front of the scape to keep good flow around the rocks at the sand bed. Any area with stagnant flow will be a detritus trap which will either require frequent vacuuming or become a nitrate factory.

I would also either point your higher power head toward the water surface or add one more so you have good gas exchange from surface agitation.

Did you get that ATO setup already? Definitely a key piece of equipment for a reef tank imo.
Great start for a tank aside from the caulupera. That stuff will eventually take over your whole tank. Some people have sucess using it as their macro in a Refugium in the sump but there is always risk of it going sexual and it can spread into the display from the sump. If you're religious about trimming and pulling, you may be ok if you like it in the display. (Fyi - this is speaking from research as I've never had any personal experience with it)

The power head on the back might be better served lower on the side opposite the other one either behind or in front of the scape to keep good flow around the rocks at the sand bed. Any area with stagnant flow will be a detritus trap which will either require frequent vacuuming or become a nitrate factory.

I would also either point your higher power head toward the water surface or add one more so you have good gas exchange from surface agitation.

Did you get that ATO setup already? Definitely a key piece of equipment for a reef tank imo.
Oh great info. The power head on the right isn't working yet lol waiting to get a new power strip with more outlets lol. But I'll certainly take your advice and get them move thank you for that!
So the ATO...short answer no. I do have it, but I have 2 options...which would you do. I can get a 5 gallon container and use the micro pump to pump it into the sump. OR I have a automatic solenoid that I was thinking of coming straight off the RO filtration system that is "always on, and drilling a 1/4" hole through my wall and running the ATO water line from the filter to the solenoid and straight into the sump? Is there a reason why my 2nd option isn't a good option? I look at it as never running out of water :)
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Oh great info. The power head on the right isn't working yet lol waiting to get a new power strip with more outlets lol. But I'll certainly take your advice and get them move thank you for that!
So the ATO...short answer no. I do have it, but I have 2 options...which would you do. I can get a 5 gallon container and use the micro pump to pump it into the sump. OR I have a automatic solenoid that I was thinking of coming straight off the RO filtration system that is "always on, and drilling a 1/4" hole through my wall and running the ATO water line from the filter to the solenoid and straight into the sump? Is there a reason why my 2nd option isn't a good option? I look at it as never running out of water :)
I would run the micro pump for now at least then switch it over once u get the chance.
Continuing a bit after coral reefer. The main issue there is possible equipment failure which can lead to overflowing either the aquarium/container with never ending RO and flooding your house.
Continuing a bit after coral reefer. The main issue there is possible equipment failure which can lead to overflowing either the aquarium/container with never ending RO and flooding your house.
Ya I figured that but I thought when those solenoids stop working then automatically close as a safety?
ATO systems always have the potential to fail open due to their sensors. If that happens then it'll be nonstop adding water until you get to it. Always try to design for redundancy and fail safes.
Continuing a bit after coral reefer. The main issue there is possible equipment failure which can lead to overflowing either the aquarium/container with never ending RO and flooding your house.
Ya I figured that but I thought when those solenoids stop working then autatically close as a safety?
ATO systems always have the potential to fail open due to their sensors. If that happens then it'll be nonstop adding water until you get to it. Always try to design for redundancy and fail safes.
Ahhh ok good to know. I'll be reaching out to you all to make sure redundancies are in place. Thank you!