got ethical husbandry?

Monterey aquarium tomorrow?

Horrible idea or not? I'm fine with the anticipated 2-2.5hr drive. If the route is known to be a nightmare for tomorrow on the holiday weekend, I might re-think it.

I would be 580-->680--> 101 -->156-->1.
Well I think it should be fine, those who left to go far away already left, those who are going to simply do an outing probably will wait until Monday to do it.
I got there at 1PM. Took me 1/2 hour to find a parking >:( .. Did you take any pics? Hard to take pic when there are 30 people in front of a 30G tank ;D ..
I got there at 10:10am and left around 4:30. Took about 50 pics (not including ones I deleted on the fly). I am not sure if any turned out good yet.