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Moving to the Bay Area next month, looking to ship my favorite corals to someone

Hi Bay Area reefers! I'm totally new to this forum, so forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place. My understanding is that I need to become a member to post in Buy/Sell/Trade, but I'm not looking to sell these specimens.

I currently live in Austin, TX, and I am moving to a place near San Jose in January 2020. I have a 30 gallon tank, and I am going to sell my fish and most of my corals so that they won't have to be stressed out in the journey to California.

There are a few corals I really love and would like to keep. I was hoping to see if I could ship these corals to a kind reefer who can take care of them for me until I get settled into the new place, and then I can come pick them up and place them in my established tank. I am willing to pay for your services, either in cash or with frags :)
If I cannot find someone to help, I can just sell all the livestock, but I really would like to keep some of these (especially my hammer coral).

Hammer coral

Ricordea mushroom

Watermelon zoas

Red mushrooms

Orange zoas


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Hi and welcome to the area!

Our club members are pretty generous around here. We have frag swaps twice a year, you likely could walk out with all those corals from a single swap. And lots of people selling these kinds too for reasonable prices if that’s easier. Unless you are really attached to them, I’d just start over here. That said, I’ve been attached to my (common) coral enough to pack it up and move with it twice before, so I get it.

Also, depending on your club there in Texas it might be easier to have someone there keep it for you as a favor if you already have connections there. I could see someone doing it as a personal favor more than for profit.

By the way, your first pic has a corner shot of some kind of nice LPS like maybe a scoly, that one might be one worth trying to hold on to.
Hi and welcome to the area!

Our club members are pretty generous around here. We have frag swaps twice a year, you likely could walk out with all those corals from a single swap. And lots of people selling these kinds too for reasonable prices if that’s easier. Unless you are really attached to them, I’d just start over here. That said, I’ve been attached to my (common) coral enough to pack it up and move with it twice before, so I get it.

Also, depending on your club there in Texas it might be easier to have someone there keep it for you as a favor if you already have connections there. I could see someone doing it as a personal favor more than for profit.

By the way, your first pic has a corner shot of some kind of nice LPS like maybe a scoly, that one might be one worth trying to hold on to.

Yeah you have a good point. I've already sold a couple of my corals so I think I'll just go ahead and sell the rest. Yes that is a Scoly that I really love - I may end up getting a friend to take care of it for me.
LookingAt what you have and as someone who’s housed and had people house corals, and moved a tank from Dallas to SF last year:
Home the scoly and hammer with a buddy in Austin.
Set up your new tank out here.
Fly back to Austin when the new tank is stable and just bring those two corals back here in a carry on.
Sell and replace everything else you don’t have a strong sentimental attachment to.
LookingAt what you have and as someone who’s housed and had people house corals, and moved a tank from Dallas to SF last year:
Home the scoly and hammer with a buddy in Austin.
Set up your new tank out here.
Fly back to Austin when the new tank is stable and just bring those two corals back here in a carry on.
Sell and replace everything else you don’t have a strong sentimental attachment to.
This is your plan hopefully.
Honestly, other than the Scolymia, and that crazy hammer, I think you’ll find even nicer corals in the Bay Area.

If not you’ll certainly be able to replace them.

I agree with above. Leave the hammer and Scolymia with a friend in TX and when your all settled up here either ship them, or go pick them up.

Thank you, everyone! I am going to take your advice and go ahead and sell most of the corals. The move will be a lot easier this way.
Looking forward to meeting you all in person!