
My growing chalice collection!

Made some nice purchases today. :bigsmile:

Need help ID'ing bottom 2.

Bottom right in this pic is some kind of favia. Not sure on name and not looking good right now but looks like it has potential. Need help on ID on these chalices as well.

Just some pics of other chalices in my tank.

Babys in there new home.

cant wait for this guy to get bigger!

Hope you enjoy my crappy pics! :beer:
Wow very nice pieces. I wish i knew the names but barely getting int chalices myself and i only go for stuff that really show colors and not by names.
Nice pieces- looking forward to seeing what they turn into in a year or so. It's always fun to watch them grown and see what they become, just don't watch them too frequently or you'll think they're not growing at all. :)
can't help you w/ IDing though.
btw- the red one I got from you is doing fine- thanks!
Thanks all, picked them up from a local reefer who wanted to keep angels so he decided to sell off most of his LPS. Will definately be added on DBTC to spread around the club once they get a little bigger.

Bill, nice to hear its doing well, Glad you like it!