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mystery wrasse and other wrasse


Supporting Member
Currently, I have a 3.5" mystery wrasse in my tank and I would like to add a few more wrasses to the tank. I am thinking of a radiant wrasse and a cori wrasse. Has anyone have experience adding other wrasses into a tank after the mystery wrasse. Surprisingly this mystery wrasse is very peaceful to his current tank mates (three clown fishes, a blue tang, 2 cleaner shrimps, a coral band shrimp, and a peppermint shrimp). I have a 120 gallon tank.
I have heard Mysteries can be quite mean and don't take kindly to other wrasses. You may be setting yourself up for a bad tank fight.

That said, my Mystery wrasse is probably the shyest fish in my tank. He's in there with a couple tangs, a tailspot blenny, a leopard wrasse and blue chromis and is the wussiest of the bunch. That's just my experience though.
It's tough one. I've seen them work with a list similar to that and I've seen the prick out on a list like that. A gamble really. Good thing is they're so damn curious it's not that hard to catch them in a trap :)
GreshamH said:
It's tough one. I've seen them work with a list similar to that and I've seen the prick out on a list like that. A gamble really. Good thing is they're so damn curious it's not that hard to catch them in a trap :)

I don't know what's up with mine, but mine was very wary. I had the trap in there for days, baited with food and waited for hours trying to get him and he never went fully into the trap. In the end, I needed to take down my rockwork to get him out and transfer him into my big display tank. Maybe mine's an outlier.
IME you have three types
model citizen
scared and running

in that order as well :lol:
GreshamH said:
IME you have three types
model citizen
scared and running

in that order as well :lol:

I think I have the model citizen/scared and running one in my tank. He is hanging out with the blue tang. They follow each other which is kind of funny but then when I am close to the tank he would run and hide behind a rock. If I want to add more wrasse should I add the two I want at the same time or should I add the less expensive one first and see if he gets along with it before adding the other one.
Add both at the same time. More targets for the mystery and also less of a chance of the 2nd wrasse becoming the top dog (if your mystery doesn't go ape over the new one, the 2nd one might) before adding your 3rd.
Thanks guy! Now I really have to buy both fishes at the same time. I'm thinking about adding a leopard wrasse too but having 4 wrasses in the tank too much? I don't have any sand in my current tank and will that be a problem?
Well.. my wife wants sand..hahahah I can put sand in there but I might do what Ian does to his tank by putting some sand in a container and put it in the back of the tank.
I wonder about the coris and the radiant since they are so alike? Gonna have to pose this question to Kevin :)