
Need Some Helpers for DBTC Tracking Data Entry

Mr. Ugly

Past President
Looking for up to 6 helpers to enter frag data into our new tracking system.

For the first pass, we will have 826 frags to enter. The data has been separated into 125 line batches.

Helpers will go though a batch of frags, find matching DBTC threads, and enter data using Pix's fragalicious utility.

We have more than 826 frags in the program, but not all of them made it to the tracking thread.

Second pass will be to fill in the missing items.

So, how many people are willing to brave carpal tunnel syndrome and other RSI?

Here's your chance!

:D :D :D
You can count me in as well. When do you think you will start this process, and what kind of time frame are you looking at to getting this all into the system?
Hey gang, our DBTC program is one of the crowning achievements of BAR. It is nationally recognized and one of the clearest projectioins of our mission. With updated tracking info our program gains even more legitimacy and we are able to see the full potential of DBTC. This is very important and the more volunteers there are, the less work each of them will have to do.

Mr. Ugly still needs 3 more volunteers. Please step up and help to make this yet another great BAR success.


Well i tried entering the frags to the listing but can't do to permissions says i need to be the giver or the receiver.

Can some one help me.