got ethical husbandry?

New Forum Tracker

I put together a new forum tracker. You can view new posts here:

and all recent content here:

Hi Erin, how come the new reply doesn't show up as new post? Only new threads show up as new post. If you look at the main forum page, you can't tell there is a new post or not unless someone post a new thread. New reply show up as "updated".
I know that but if you look at the main forum page, you can't tell there is a new post in certain forum. If there is a new thread, you will see a star.
How come this is the only forum I can post on? No other shows me a "post new comment", reply or Quote :( I just logged back on since friday to this new non posting ability :(
Gresham, can you try logging out and logging back in again from the home page ( )? It looks like you should be able to post in other forums, so I'm not sure what's going on.

Which forums are you having problems with?
Looks like all forums are open to me now, thanks :)

Now if I can only get used to the new layout :( Old dog + new trick = :(