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I think it depends upon the species a bit, and how many palythoas were ingested.

Good news/Bad news, if your dog did ingest it you'll know within 24 hours, unfortunately there is no anti-toxin as far as I know.
Did you take him to the vet as a precaution... or is this hypothetical?

I can't imagine a dog wolfing any down. Although it is amazing what a dog will eat.
Well there's the infamous story about a guy who was fragging zoas/palys in a bucket and his dog drank some of the water out of that bucket and ended up dying. So it's not just a matter of a dog thinking they're tasty.
Paly's are pretty toxic.

Even the possibility of getting squirted in the eye or into your mouth will make it either sting, or make you sick for a little bit.
Yeah read Calfo's book on coral propagation, there's an amusing if not scary story in there about paly toxicity, and that was him simply touching a blade used to frag them with his tongue/lips. :D
Ask Chris at aquatic central about it. He rubbed near his mouth once after bagging some palys and had to go to the hospital.
this is all real I had a 11 month old choclate lab .came home from work fed her she threw up about a half hour later and 6 hours later she was dead. that was wednesday that all this happen ...sunday Idid a water change found about 5 palys on a rock with some zoos so i took the rock out of the tank. and left it in my front yard some how my pup got to it. my wife found her chewing on the rock. it had been out in the sun for 4 days. so it was dryed up.
the vet said that someone has feed her poison or something.

they never put this in the parenting book on how to tell your girls :-[ :-[ that there puppy is dead!!!!!!!

So sorry to here that . :( I think all this has made up my mind , time to kill all those brown pallys in my tank . my little pup (not really a pup anymore) will eat anything. and I do mean anything ! She gets in the back of my full size truck when Im not looking just to look for food. 8 weeks old she eat a pound of M&M's . Stuff like this scares the hell out of me . I know that her food issue may someday be her demise .
Ouch! So sorry for the loss of the dog.

Anytime I'm doing anything with my tank my dog goes outside - especially when I'm fragging any coral. She's not allowed back in till everything is cleaned up, rinsed, and put away

Unfortunately, I believe the zoa toxin causes the liver to shut down and it goes down hill from there.
I really dont know if it was the pallys. few people have told me that she would have to have eaten a bowl full. we are getting all her blood ,liver and throw up tested. Vet says that looks like some type of drug was givin to her.
Norm wrote an article for RHM several months ago. It may be on the reef hobbyiest magazine site. It was probably those palys. They can kick bad. I inhaled some when fragging and had asthma like symtoms for several hours.
I don't recall the exact amount (nor know how much any particular palythoa has) but that stuff is deadly strong lethal at doses along the lines of 100ng/kg so a dog weighing 22 pounds, would be 1 microgram, and to give you an idea how small that is, 300 micrograms would be the mass of a grain of salt (not big rock salt either)