Reef nutrition

Random health, diet, and exercise talk

Mr. Ugly

Past President
Food psychology.

So what are your diet and/or exercise goals, and what has/hasn't worked for you?
My goal lately has been to work on my fast twitch muscles and loose a little bulk @ 155lbs I carry a bit of muscle, but it doesn't help with surfing as I age. My goal has been to get down to 145lbs and encourage more anaerobic muscle development.

In order to encourage this I have been eating very lean, fish at least 4 nights a week and no red meat or carb/fatty lunches. I've stopped lifting heavy weight except targeted muscle groups and have moved over to more core exercise to help with balance.

I started @ 156.5 and am now (2 months later) 148, I may hit 140 who knows.
I could do well to re-construct 10-15lbs of fat :p I have 3 issues. One I've solved, one I struggle with and one I haven't a chance in hell on.

I'm a food whore. If it is delicious and in arms reach, I eat it. Almost compulsively. The solution was simple: Get it out of the house! Very few snacks/sweets are in the house. Most everything is whole grain and I eat lots of veggies and very little fried foods.

I also have portion control issues. I don't feel satisfied, no matter how good the meal/snack, unless I feel full by it. I fail when there are party trays of goodies, but on normal meals, I have gotten better. Drink lots and make sure I can fill up on "healthier" foods.

And the last..exercise. I'm just too lazy. I have the means and tools, just not the ambition/discipline to maintain a routine. I have no idea what will change that.
I would be happy to drop 15- 20 pounds personally.

As far as diet, I really don't have any diet plans, I do try to eat healthy, I try not to buy sweets because I know that I will not stand a chance (low will power with such tasty numnums in the house :D), my cousin actually helps a lot because they have pizza night every week, and a chinese food every night, and they're all pretty much fat, so that's good mental support to not eat that kind of food, and I only join them maybe once every other month.

This semester I work nights only so it really puts a hamper on my dinner menu because it's either eat at 5-5:30pm, or eat at 10-10:30 and then go to bed an hour later. Also it's a bit hard to prepare a proper dinner when my wife isn't hungry yet, and I'm not really that hungry either. The chef in me doesn't want freshly cook food to be reheated later, it kind of defeats the purpose :D

Also I tend to eat much better in the summer, because that's when all the fresh fruits and veggies come out, and by fresh I mean actually picked ripe, not picked unripe in some Central American country and trucked here "ripening" along the way. Another reason why I want a proper greenhouse in the back.

Exercise... I fall into the lazy category unfortunately, I usually like to work out in the morning, but I also like to just relax as well. If I taught mornings instead of nights I probably could be better off and workout at night, but it just ain't gonna happen. Last summer break I was doing the P90X workout pretty well, and looked a lot better (gain 10 pounds in the process though) as soon as school started though, no desire. I don't know what it is, I have easily 10 hours from when I wake up, to when I have to work, sometimes I need to do work at home but not usually, and I just don't feel like working out, like I'll be tired later for work *shrug*
In the past 3 days, I've eaten about 8 "Beard Papa" cream puffs. Mostly because my wife bought 4 "Plum District" coupons that were expiring on Tuesday, so she asked me to go pick up FOUR DOZEN CREAM PUFFS. We gave away half and I'm eating my way through the rest. THat's a lot of cream puffs!

On the flip side, I've lost about 10lbs since X-mas holidays, I made a pact with my brother to lose 12 pounds by the time we meet up next December. I cut out soda and I've been trying to walk everyday, I usually take a 2-3 mile walk at lunch everyday.

I also have the P90 dvd that I've done twice and hope to get back to. On Saturdays, we take the kids to the 24hr Fitness that has the kid's play room (in San Mateo) and work out in the morning. I've been MEANING TO get some weight training back into my day since the office has a crappy gym in it.... but work gets in the way and I've been using the walking to slowly creep back out of laziness before I start running.

As an incentive I've been thinking of what I might like to reward myself with if I can work my way back to 175lbs (at about 192 right now). Since I gratuitously bought a 180g tank, that won't work since I already have it! I thought that I might buy myself a rednecky reward like a new pistol (finally a 1911 maybe) or rifle (.22 lr for kicks). But maybe not having a heart attack at 50 would be enough of a reward!

Hey Vince, how about you adopt the dual benefit goal of trying to weigh less than your tank gallonage? Either way you win ... smaller tank, lose more weight ... you win!! Eat more goodies, need a larger tank with more gallons ... you win!!!
I need to lose - well - a lot.
My big problem is eating at night. I simply cannot sleep if I go to bed hungry, so I over-snack.
Otherwise I do remarkably well as far as a healthy diet, although portions could be a bit smaller.
They actually call it an eating disorder now, but not really sure that makes a difference.
Trying one solution, which is to eat larger and more protein based breakfast. (not bacon+eggs)

I like the tank-gallon idea. Glad I have a big tank. :)
I need to lose a few lbs myself. 2 kids + fish tank + gas prices = no surf :( The only form of exercise I have is chasing the kids and lugging up 10 gallons of water every week up the stairs when doing a WC. I'm debating if I should downsize my tank and sell a few corals to fund for a SUP (stand up paddle board) that I can use to paddle around the Foster City lagoons at lunch time.
Well, speaking of tank related exercise, lugging 4x80lb concrete bags and mixing concrete for my 180g tank supports in the crawlspace should have burned off many pounds, too bad I was so hungry after doing it that I started scarfing cheese sandwiches! Hard-labour = big hunger.

I wrote down what I was eating for ten days in March. I saw I was eating too much late at night. While I was writing I would think I have to write it down and skip the snack. Now that I am off the pen, I am back on snacks, but remember to grab a glass of water instead many times.

My problem as several of you have stated is serving size. Any box or carton, or bag may be labeled for a number of servings, but it always translates to one for me. Once the package is open, it is empty. I would not keep much in the house, and that is difficult with two others around, one of which with excellent self control. The one boundary they respect is not store items in glass jars on the counter.

I do a fifteen minute stretch every morning. I am currently icing my knees three times a day due to inflammation from over work in that on the new job I am standing and walking all day. I only sit at each ten minute break and lunch. I need some help with aerobic exercises that do not tax my elbows or knees much.
I've been cutting most grains and cereals from my diet.

Vegetables for lunch, and meat & veggies for dinner. With a little bit of a workout and I shed almost a pound a week. I realize at some point it will plateau out, and then I'll just adjust my the above a bit.

Will I turn down a great meal that includes a bit of bread, rice, or noodles? No - the portions consumed are a little smaller
Raddogz said:
With a little bit of a workout and I shed almost a pound a week.
A pound a week is a good rate.

2 pounds a week gives you more positive feedback, but it's no fun to cut back calories that much. Plus it's so different from maintenance mode at target weight, that it's hard to switch over stay at the new weight.
tuberider said:
yardartist said:
I wrote down what I was eating for ten days in March.

I had to do that in order to isolate the cause of my ocular migraines and it was a game changer for me.
That's how I did it the first time I was successful at losing a lot of weight many many years ago.

I was a teenager and about 35 pounds overweight. I went super extreme though, so I wouldn't have to write down a lot.

I had orange juice, protein powder, and multivitamins for breakfast, non fat dry cottage cheese for lunch, cottage cheese, rice, and vegetables for dinner. Every day.

I kept track of total calories, total protein, etc. and refused to eat anything else after reaching the allotted amounts.

Lost weight fast, but didn't develop any proper eating habits or proper portion control.
I'm a food whore like Tony. There's too much to enjoy about food. And I can go on autopilot and overeat if I don't make a conscious effort.

With cookies and snack type items, there's no such thing as eating just one. So I don't have any of that in the house. No commercial prepackaged prepared food either.

I have to stay away from cheese, ice cream, pizza, lasagna because it's too easy for me to overeat those items.
Gomer said:
I also have portion control issues. I don't feel satisfied, no matter how good the meal/snack, unless I feel full by it. I fail when there are party trays of goodies, but on normal meals, I have gotten better. Drink lots and make sure I can fill up on "healthier" foods.
Same problem here. I had some workarounds that helped me lose weight, but they really aren't the best way to address the problem.

Way back when I was running a lot, I'd do my 6 or 9 mile run in the evening, then for dinner I would slam down 2 diet cokes and eat a huge salad. Between exercise and feeling stuffed from CO2 and salad, I did pretty well weightwise. Sometimes it would be 2 large beers with the salad. The beer calories weren't too bad, because I'd fall asleep and not do any late night eating, haha.

I messed up my knee last year and had to cut way back on cardio activities. For a while, I couldn't work out at all, and was too bummed out to eat much. When I started my weekday workouts again, I got into a habit of eating part of my dinner a couple hours before going to the gym, and eating the rest after I got back. That made for 4 small meals a day which helped me get away from the habit of eating until I felt really full.
I was doing good on the exercise front for a while starting last fall. I would run for a few miles almost every morning...then the cold came in. I stopped when it was 20­°F outside. That's just too cold lol. Now I'm too wussy to start it up. I'm good ONCE I've started up a bit, like 1-2 weeks worth (guilt keeps me going after that), but getting to that part takes an act of god!