
Ready to stock tank


Supporting Member
So another contractor of mine went super shady on me right before signing the contract, long story short, I ended up firing him because he was not being honest with me. The house remodel is put on hold for awhile now, so I'm just not going to move the tank from my parent's house until the house is ALL done and ready. In the meantime I'll probably just get it restocked.

I'm thinking of starting with an anem. I've never had one before, mostly because I've had way too many corals laying around that didn't want to be run over. Now that my corals are all out of the tank, it'd be nice to have a nem with my black photons.

I don't want a carpet, or anything GIGANTIC that drops babies all the time. But something colorful obviously. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of BTA maybe.
If you are going BTA I suggest you go RBTAs :). There is one strain of RBTA that is really impressive. I believe Vlad? has them and they are really nice. Unfortunately, I killed the one I bought from him months ago. :(
Are black photons and black ocellaris synonymous?:)
If the clowns are orange (or black), I would personally like the contrast with a really bright green anemone. The rose anemones are nice, but often times I feel like the clownfish gets washed out in terms of color.
I'd check in with Fingerwrinkles and see if he has anything ... I got my purple and green BTA from him :) The orange ocellaris I have being hosted by it look awesome.
thanks for the suggestions!

anthony: the black photon is actually an ocellaris + percula hybrid from onyx perc and a black/white ocellaris