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Reefin’ on a Budget

What prevents the trash can “sump” from falling in the terrible event of an earthquake?
Is there a platform on top of the tank?
Of is it sitting directly on the tank?

An observation, from where I sit…
Right now there’s a few screws along the top holding it to the walls. Soon to be external brackets/shelf to get it off the rim.
Makes me nervous...
I encourage more support
Don’t want a catastrophe on the kitchen floor!

Without directly saying it, I implyed same concerns there are probably 50 different possible negative outcomes from how you currently have your sump set up, I hope it will help you reduce those by suggesting brackets or a shelf etc. Crap happens so best to elimtante obvious risks. I look forward to seeing pictures of what you come up with to secure your sump properly.

Without directly saying it, I implyed same concerns there are probably 50 different possible negative outcomes from how you currently have your sump set up, I hope it will help you reduce those by suggesting brackets or a shelf etc. Crap happens so best to elimtante obvious risks. I look forward to seeing pictures of what you come up with to secure your sump properly.
Makes me nervous...
I encourage more support
Don’t want a catastrophe on the kitchen floor!

This is why I joined the club! I’ve just been wingin it and attending YouTube university. The stuff I saw for this type of idea implied no issues with resting things on the corner. I really did have my reservations about it but didn’t have anything for a shelf on hand, so my rusty screws were an attempt to make me feel better. lol! Thanks for the inspiration to do better!
This is why I joined the club! I’ve just been wingin it and attending YouTube university. The stuff I saw for this type of idea implied no issues with resting things on the corner. I really did have my reservations about it but didn’t have anything for a shelf on hand, so my rusty screws were an attempt to make me feel better. lol! Thanks for the inspiration to do better!

I'm a big watcher of youtube myself but some stuff is better left alone. Ie not all utbers care about their fish/ coral or do things properly (putting a blue tang in 10 gallon tank, fish dies just grab another without finding out why, never do a water change or test water, list goes on). There are some good ones as well. So you always have to carefully pick and choose what you adopt.

Just because they show something can be done it doesn’t mean it actually should be done.
Lmao! This builds title stays true to what’ in the budgets tank builds going on here! First off I want to say concerns members bring forth are for sure something you should look into. But most important to myself is the success in your tank !! I see frags, colonies even!!! Thriving in your setup! Where there’s a will there’s a way and you sir have found a way! Super cool. You could have told me you spent thousands on a premade sectioned off sump with cool gadgets, bells and whistles to have success you have im that display tank and I’d have believed you. Awesome build!
Lmao! This builds title stays true to what’ in the budgets tank builds going on here! First off I want to say concerns members bring forth are for sure something you should look into. But most important to myself is the success in your tank !! I see frags, colonies even!!! Thriving in your setup! Where there’s a will there’s a way and you sir have found a way! Super cool. You could have told me you spent thousands on a premade sectioned off sump with cool gadgets, bells and whistles to have success you have im that display tank and I’d have believed you. Awesome build!
Stop you’re making me blush
I value all the feedback and taking every bit of advice seriously. I assume I’m doing something right to have life in the tank, and I dig my MacGyver style. With 5 humans and a collection of animals to feed at home the budgets tight but we make it work lol
That was exactly what I was trying to say. You do the best you can with the life you have before you. The health of your animals is better then some who have money and just don’t. I think I recall a member on here who posted the mistreatment of a yellow tang that was skin and bones. He takes care of tanks for people who refuse to follow his advise and feed more. Like these people have the money to have someone do all this hard work of up keeping a tank but are failing miserably at keeping their animals healthy. Now that’s terrible. So you doing so well with what means you have, it shows in the animals. Fish and corals alike. Also I’m in the wrong hobby myself, my tank I got from a coworker that upgraded and I did some DIY parts/ running lower end gear on it. I understand/relate to reefing on a budget lol
Cool stuff. I did an "up sump" on the frag tank I setup awhile back. I wasn't as successful as you.

My advice, keep it going, but don't invest much money into optimizing the current setup. There's a lot of very cheap tanks+stands you will see in the club (or on resale). In my experience the diy ones are fun, and easy to get attached to because it's got your work in it, but objectively buying a nicely used, standard, setup does have a lot of benefits.

I don't agree with the "buy once" philosophy that sometimes gets brought up in the hobby, because usually it's code for "go into debt on something that doesn't really matter". I however think the philosophy of minimizing investing in minor tweaks versus saving up for big ones makes sense.
That was exactly what I was trying to say. You do the best you can with the life you have before you. The health of your animals is better then some who have money and just don’t. I think I recall a member on here who posted the mistreatment of a yellow tang that was skin and bones. He takes care of tanks for people who refuse to follow his advise and feed more. Like these people have the money to have someone do all this hard work of up keeping a tank but are failing miserably at keeping their animals healthy. Now that’s terrible. So you doing so well with what means you have, it shows in the animals. Fish and corals alike. Also I’m in the wrong hobby myself, my tank I got from a coworker that upgraded and I did some DIY parts/ running lower end gear on it. I understand/relate to reefing on a budget lol
I appreciate ya! Definitely keeping these fish fed. The blue spotted puffer starts tasting corals if I don’t lol. Only thing he wont touch are euphyllias. I’ve learned Zoas are a waste of time with him in the tank. I feed heavy and the cuc does a good job with the leftovers.
Off subject, but I always tell people if you want an easy low maintenance animal, go with a snake!
Cool stuff. I did an "up sump" on the frag tank I setup awhile back. I wasn't as successful as you.

My advice, keep it going, but don't invest much money into optimizing the current setup. There's a lot of very cheap tanks+stands you will see in the club (or on resale). In my experience the diy ones are fun, and easy to get attached to because it's got your work in it, but objectively buying a nicely used, standard, setup does have a lot of benefits.

I don't agree with the "buy once" philosophy that sometimes gets brought up in the hobby, because usually it's code for "go into debt on something that doesn't really matter". I however think the philosophy of minimizing investing in minor tweaks versus saving up for big ones makes sense.
Definitely killer deals on here! I’m obligated to keep this tank, but aside from better supporting the “up-sump” I won’t be making any major charges anytime soon. It was gifted from a friend after he couldn’t keep it and he’s been enjoying seeing it get used as much as I enjoy makin it work.
That being said, I do plan to get a 120+gal setup in the next couple years and know exactly where I’ll be shopping for a tank