Neptune Aquatics

Roc's 1st Big reef

1st update for the new year.

Tank was started in May 08, and I am pretty happy with it. I will be switching out a true actinic bulb for a aquablue special, and depending on the lighting maybe switching out the aquasun for a aquablue special as well. When I do that I'm going to change my lighting so that the 1st 2 hours of the day is just the 2 blue plus bulbs, with a aquasun 10,000K, True Actinic 03, and Aquablue special coming on for 8 hours, then back to 2 blue plus for an hour before lights out.

I have also been thinking about some more fish for this tank. Thinking maybe 4 green cromis or something simlar would add some movement that would be nice. I toyed with the idea of getting another Tang, but I'm not sure what would be a good fit with the 2 I have now.

Here are some updated pics



Chalice from BAR's DBTC program


THis chalice has grown a lot since I fragged it for the last swap


This red millie looks a lot different then when I got it, less hairy. Maybe it's in to much direct flow???


Sunset Monti from Creig, mounted to a flat rock for easy future fragging (GO DBTC)


I got this devils hand leather at the lucky goldfish swap last year, it has tripled in size since then


This is the Neptunes Fire Acan (DBTC), it's changed quite a bit in color since I got it.


Ric/Yuma/Shoom/Acan/Favia corner


Some of my other Acans



This is the frag I got from Marc at the neptunes swap, seems like it's had some good growth.


***** The next day******

Well Me and the family made a San Jo LFS run today. Started at Max's and showed the kids the big tanks and sharks, next it was over to LGF to take a look at the new tanks and meet up with will for a trade. Then we stopped by Neptunes and saw Robert. I picked up 2 Aquablue Special bulbs from Robert. Now my bulbs are set-up like this

Aquablue Special 12000K - on at 10Am off at 6PM
Blue Plus - On at 8AM off at 7PM
True Actinic 03 - On at 10Am off at 6PM
Blue Plus - On at 8AM off at 7PM
Aquablue Special 12000K - on at 10Am off at 6PM

Or I almost forgot the trade I did with will, I picked this up

Things have finally hit the not losing and harder corals growing stage. I had a lot of learning time regarding SPS, and it took me months to figure out about what I needed to dose.

Things are going OK now but I think the new light combo will make a world of difference as I only had the 1 10000k bulb and 2 actinics with the (kinda) actinic Blue plus bulbs. With the new combo I have 2 12000K bulbs, still have the blue plus bulbs and 1 actinic that comes on with the 12000K bulbs so that shouyld give me a little better growth........
Well I realized that I hadn't updated in a little while.



New Monti from Bryan


SPS frags from Jan NCNRS swap




A couple of newer acans



Some shots under normal lighting and then Blue +

Orange Crush






And a couple of Blue + shots of some Ric's and yumas



Thats it for now................................
Thanks everyone for the nice comments, some day I hope to have this thing really filled out, cuz then and only then can I talk about going bigger.........rofl
[quote author=CookieJar link=topic=3622.msg75737#msg75737 date=1232417697]
nice pieces, I especially like the neon green of the newer acan you posted. Also, thanks for the trade on sat- the chalice is looking great!

As is the acan, I couldn't get a good pic of it but the blue + bring out some great oranges in that piece.
Most of you now know I had to take this entire tank down last week, but I wanted to put up some pics of how it looks post breakdown, with it's new scape. Forgive the pics, I didn't clean the glass and there was a buch of mirco bubbles.



Right Island


Left Island




Zoa garden (bottom of left island)


Ric, Yuma and Acan garden (bottom of Right Island)

wow..nice set up Roc. I personally like your rock works and the first sump design with the Fuge raised up. Do you have a latest pic of the sump area. I'm looking for ideas on Fuge design. thanks
I went with the last one posted. Basicly I have dual overflows, the one that takes 5% of the water flows to a DSB fuge, and the overflow drain which moves 95% of my water flows to the oppsite end of a 55 gal. the side with 97% of the water has all water flow through some LR , then to a skimmer, through a bubble trap and to the return section, the fuge side just flows bottom to top and overflows into the return.
Thats a lot, I actually like it a lot more then I did my old scape. It's funny how life hands you lemons aand you can made some great lemonade.