Neptune Aquatics

Scott's 180 Peninsula is coming along...

Scott Sweet

Supporting Member
All, the tank is coming along...just not quite ready for a thread yet. Waiting for it to mature a bit. But here are some teasers :).

full tank 2.jpg

hammer 2.jpg

coral 5.jpg

coral 2.jpg


  • coral 4.jpg
    coral 4.jpg
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You’ve had it a while now bare bottom. What’s your take on it? What are your likes/dislikes?
My last tank was a deep sand bed. I did like the DSB because of the different animal life possibilities...wrasses, stars, and such. Given this tank is intended to be mostly a SPS tank, I decided for a bare bottom in case I really need to crank up the flow. So far, I like it because it is easy to see where stuff might be collecting. The coralline is just starting on the bottom...long ways to go. I am hoping to try to get some corals to grow on the bottom down the road. Looks a little weird with a glass bottom, but I am getting used to it. Two returns on the closed loop are right on the bottom to create flow...and that is really keeping things clean.

When you have any kind of bacteria or algae bloom, you see it right away on the bottom...clues you in on what might be going on. You can see the green means to check parameters and such. My phosphates jumped because I went a little over 4 weeks on the GFO. I am starting carbon dosing now, tired of the GFO changing, to see if I can get things in better control. I have an algae scrubber, but it doesn't have much in it because I needed to use Vibrant ...and that kills all algae..good and bad. Will see how that recovers as I stopped the Vibrant about 3 weeks ago...we shall see.

I guess the jury is still out...we shall see how things progress over the next many months. The corals are happy now and I added a bunch of new frags...lets see if the growing start to happen.
My experience with barebottom has usually involved corals growing on the bottom or coraline algae growing on the bottom, so it's never truly bare :D It is nice though as a place to put LPS or encrusting corals without "wasting" rock real estate to them. Also water changes are super effective because detritus tends to build up in dead spots so you hit those spots with the siphon hose and continue on with your water change.
How did you drill the rocks for you closed loop outlets? I’m working on a new build that came with holes for a closed loop.

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How did you drill the rocks for you closed loop outlets? I’m working on a new build that came with holes for a closed loop.

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I didn't drill the rocks. I glued the rocks around the returns. There are four holes in the tank, each with 2 actual lines...using Loc-line. There are two holes on the bottom near the front of the peninsula and two holes on the back pane as close to the bottom I could get them. Then I built the rock structure (glued) around the returns with smaller rocks so they are camouflaged. You can see the returns if you know where to look. PM me and I can walk you through it.
I visited Aquatic Collection in Hayward yesterday since I was in the area. I had never been there. I must say, I was REALLY impressed with this store. Karson, the owner, is a really nice guy. Their store was well stocked, despite the lockdown on animals now, great competitive prices, and his help (Colby I think), was awesome. I bought a bunch of stuff :).

The fish I bought were a naso, chevron, gem and hippo tangs - starting my tang population. I also got a chalice, Jack-O-Lantern Leptoseris and a gorgonian. These corals are on a 2" round very good sizes. The price for the Gem tang was amazing given what I have seen online. My bar for a "good store" is VERY high. To date, my experiences of stores in the Bay Area have been very disappointing (I am from LA so I was spoiled...).

My expectations of customer service, quality care/conditions of the store/animals and competitive pricing is very high. These guys are great!! I really like that he puts the dates of the when the fish were put in the you know. Also, Colby had no problem feeding the fish for me so I could see. I changed my mind on the fish I wanted and they were more than happy to release some already bagged fish and collect other fish. Thank you Colby!!

I would highly recommend visiting these folks if you have never been there. Karson said his inventory of livestock is low now due to the lack of airplane transportation...but I thought it was actually quite good.

Included are pics showing fish in quarantine, even though most have already been in their tanks for several weeks. I am just being extra careful. Want to be sure they are eating before I put them in to the main display.

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I I lived as close a bob, I’d be broke. I spend a minimum of $100 every time I go there. The best thing to me is that they always have great dry goods and equipment.

by the way, your tank is ready for a “thread” already started this one.