got ethical husbandry?

Showing pride in your club. Is this allowed?

I made a signature for myself for other forums and I wanted to use the BAR logo is this allowed?

This is the signature.
After hearing so much about a local S.F. area club, I'm darn proud to be hooked up and getting up to speed with my neighbors around the bay. Hell yeah, I'd consider it a feather in your hat!
IMO you do not need permission. I never asked in the past ;) Didn't ask when I made the stickers either.
Erick said:
Stickers is one thing, advertising on reefing forums is another, but I'm glad it's not frowned on. :)

It's worse given where all the stickers go that I have given out. People from outside the reefing community see those, and even more reefers within. The internet reefers still only make up like 15% of the market, and that is being very generous with the % :D

The logo is not trademarked fwiw.