Cali Kid Corals

Strange morph in my setosa


Past President
My setosa colony appears to be developing green streaks in it along the sides. Will see if I can capture it in a picture but it is definately within the coral itself and not just something else growing along side of it. The color is similar to the green of a green slimer.

Has anyone else noticed this on their setosa pieces?
sounds like it got "infected" with the "super" green zooxanthellae :)
Haha. I heard that someone might be making a trip up the peninsula this weekend on the way to Berkeley perhaps. :p
Here you go, B. This looks better in person, but oh wells.

Look hard and you'll see. :p The piece isn't exactly parallel to the front pane.

Nice shot Eric. Yeah it is a little shy. Hoping it will show itself a little more very soon. I have it right below that strawberry patch acro and it really does look like some of the neon green literally dripped off of it onto the setosa.
Sfork said:
wow that's pretty cool that corals can get "infected" with other corals zoos
Zoas for zoazanthellea and zoas for zoanthids. (sorry pet peeve - there is no animal that starts with zoo in the MO hobby).
That is not an animal but rather a type of plankton. You also don't say Zoo in place of zooplankton :p