High Tide Aquatics



Supporting Member
Well, at the frag swap I picked up a pink stylocoeniella from @Enderturtle . Never heard of it! I thought it was some kind of porites. So it is encrusting and an online search reveals although it is cryptic it seems to want a lot of light.
So my question is where and how would you place this in a tank? I am likely finishing up a new and improved aquascape tomorrow evening. Place it right on a part of a big rock, on frag plugs or on a separate rock that can become fully encrusted?
Medium height?
I would love some advice.
It encrusts as it grows.

Best color in medium to high light.

Best polyp movement in medium to high flow.

Looks really nice when you have long bright pink polyps swaying with the flow.
My tank is a mess due to re-aquascaping. Enderturtle had a good pic in the pre-swap thread. I will try to get one soon.