Cali Kid Corals

Tank Flood

An open 1” pipe can gravity drain 960gph. With your sicce running against head pressure from your sump up to your DT, there’s no way it’s pumping more than that. You sure there’s not an obstruction in the pipe?


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Snail should not be getting in your emergency drain, or hell any of your drains. How is a snail getting back there?
Also the fact your emergency didn't work due to snail is one major problem, but why didn't your other two drains (you're doing a Bean overflow right?) keep up? They should also be keeping it. Might want to check all your pipes for snails. Then make sure snails can't get back there ever again

FYI, you asked in PM earlier what I meant, even though you seem to have the problem taken care of (or at least identified)

This is what I meant, the idea is you don't put any extra back pressure on the pump by restricting it's outflow. So you put a tee as your outflow, and ordinarily it would push equal amounts in both directions, but the reality is it will push more back into the sump because there's less head pressure there than to your tank. So enter the valve, and you can restrict the water flow back into the sump from the pump, which increase the water into the tank. Some people take this idea and run a manifold off the tee for things like reactors, but if you don't want to do that you can have it go back into the sump which if you keep it in your return chamber might make it too turbulent and kick up sediment & airbubbles to your tank, or you can plumb it all the way back to the beginning and just let the water go through all your filtration again, make it extra clean! :D
Gotta worry about strainers, because algae and other crap can build up on them. No way should a snail enter your emergency drain, your emergency drain should be higher than the water level inside the box, and dry most of the time except when it's emergencying, snails for the most part won't climb into dry areas (some exceptions) they mostly like their foot wet at all times.
The teeth on the overflow box need to be able to prevent those snails from getting near your drain pipes...some boxes even have covers to also prevent fish from jumping into the box.
No, herbie. I was an idiot and didn't put strainers on the drains.$2 part nearly cost me a fortune

I have a similar setup as you, same type of pipes, no strainers; pump is an Eheim 1260 ~650gph.
No gate valve, ball valve does the trick. I did notice a snail in the OF bix yesterday, time to get it out.
I've plugged the main with my hand and E-drain keeps upb noisy? yeah but no water spills out of the tank.
ATO in the return section as well. Return nozzles high just below water linen
If I turn the pump off, the sump's level is high but about 2" left of safety.
I think my sump is undersized for my tank; have to figure when to buil one or grab a tank and chop it to fit so I have more sense of safety.