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The circle of dumbness comes around again. Funny story...

So I decided I should keep a closer eye on my water parameters, after letting Wifebane run on autopilot for a long time. One thing I noticed when I finally checked was that my ALK was really low. So I dosed it back up to about 9.5 dkH over the course of 2 weeks. I then decided to just start testing everything to make sure I haven't let anything else drift. So the latest thing is pH. And I posted a question about pH probes just recently.
OK, so here is where Circle of Dumbness comes in...

I have a box of test kits with old tests in it. I also bought new test kits quite recently, but wanted to see what was expired and needed tossing. In the box, I find a bottle of "API Proper pH 8.2". Oh! Look at that! So I'm thinking ... I have this and it's probably just baking soda and stuff...should I use it? So I did a Google search on "API Proper pH Reef tank" and the first search result that wasn't an ad for some online company selling Proper pH 8.2 is a link back to this forum! So I click on the link and .... it was a post I made 14 years ago about how I found a bottle of Proper pH 8.2 and used it and it killed all the mushrooms I had in my office aquarium and how I'll never use it again, and hilariously ... how I had found the bottle and it must be old and I shouldn't have used it. And here I am, 14 years later ... looking at the same bottle of Proper pH 8.2 .... LOL!
