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tuberider's 150g small apartment diplacement tank (super long)

Gomer said:
How about you post an update showing some semblance of coral growth :p

The granny 1.5 years ago


Look at the upper left hand corner, that's the granny now :D
Beautiful tank, Jeremy! Do you use a calcium reactor, or 2 or 3 part dosing? If you dose, how much alk & calcium do you add on a daily basis? I'm particularly interested, since my tank is the same size.
Thanks! I use 3 part in a very crude fashion, the alk is on a dosing pump the cal and mag I add to the sump in dry form. I forgot to put the lid back on my mag one evening and it turned in to a solid block, I chip off a solid chunk and throw it into the sump IIRC I'm running 150ml a day of alk supplement (sodium carbonate recipe #1). Of course I have to tweak things occasionally, especially since I have different calcium source that vary in concentration.
tuberider said:
OK here's a crappy FTS, I'm aware that there are tons of corals randomly strewn about on the bottom of the tank, hopefully I can mitigate that with a trip up to Steinhart and unload a few of the colonies..


How about to the "Nunezhart"...
My fish are lame (I'm not kidding), I blow off flatworms and they'll only eat them if they are in the currents, if not the worms get to do what they want while as I curse my worthless pescados.
My melanurus wrasse loves flatworms. Has a few reds on one rock. He cleaned them out and prowls that area looking hopeful. I love that fish...maybe you should get one to train your other pescados.
I does have some mild worth. It entertains my neice and nephew and keeps my wife happy but as far as what do you do for my tank ..... worthless.
Pressing the reset button today guys, cross your fingers for me...

I awoke to hazy water and Acros spewing mesenterial filaments, just as my battle with AEFW is winding down, this sucks :|

I plan on doing a 60 gallon water change followed by tons of carbon and 2 Poly-Filters®

Luckily I only have 2 jobs to do today and no plans this evening or the entire weekend for that matter other than surfing, so I have the time to take care of whatever the issue is...

alk 9.5
Ca 440
Mag 1450
SG 35ppt
PO4 very low
NO3 "

I'm off to go get some water and will keep updated on the situation
Jeremy I have a 150g mix of ESV's salt if you want to do a larger then normal WC...