Neptune Aquatics

War "like" Coral

"Looks like" Old School coral, bright and beautiful. Likely, a great the second hand.....if it moves in "ticks" it's not a Rolex. It must move smoothly ahead driven by it's self winding feature. I'm not even sure where I got it except it wasn't from some guy wearing a trench coat (heheheh) In fact, I'm sure it was store bought a very long time ago.

Prefers medium current and medium/bright light. Established tanks with very good conditions will insure success of these jumbo frags. Somewhat fragile during acclimation but hearty once established. Locate 1 1/2" away from other coral you don't want to kill. Sweepers come out like clockwork to feed at night. 50 gallon+ suggested.

Frag #1: promised to Jess eldiablosr8 expectant Papa

Frag #2,3 and 4:
pick a number from 1 to 20

Pick-up at October 9th BAR meeting.
Looks like a look a like War Coral and not the "true LE" version. Nothing wrong with that what so ever though, still an awesome coral.
GreshamH said:
Looks like a look a like War Coral and not the "true LE" version. Nothing wrong with that what so ever though, still an awesome coral.
Seriously, I truly appreciate my reefin' buddy Gresh's commitment to keeping information accurate and correct regarding coral. One of his very much appreciated attributes. I've had this so long that I assumed it was war coral when I bought it oh so long ago. As Gresh pointed out, it's a handsome coral, regardless of it's lack of pedigree. H) Thanks, Bud for "keepin' it real" And where's our Convict Chalice frags? hehehe
99sf said:
I would like a chance to grow out a piece of this beautiful coral! Number 10?
My reefing Bud-ette are a winner!
I'll bring your new War "like" coral frag to the meeting if you are planning to attend.
BTW the duncan frag you gave me is looking very happy and complements that corner of the tank nicely! Thanks again.
Recap on DBTC distribution:

#1 Jess, Eldiablosr8
#2 Mike, Coral Reefer
#3 Gregory, Gdawson
#4 Christina, 99sf

P/U at Oct 9 BAR meeting. I'll hang on to Jess's if he's baby sitting! :party:
Thanks John it looks great. It settled in quickley and sent out tentacles within minutes (either it was happy or crying for help! :) ) I'm letting it rest on the bottom for now to adapt and then it will go on the rockwork.

Thanks again for the War-Like-Coral!
