got ethical husbandry?

What type of chiller?

the jbj articas are pretty quiet; i have a 1/10 on a 70gal. A big considereation if this is in a family room or near a tv. There was one that had an outlet to plug in a heater but can't remember the name. I thought that this was a great idea so that you are not fighting with the setpoints. When you do decide, go with a larger unit as the efficiency gets better. I also had a 1/4hp on my 135 that was more than adequate.
Teco for sure :) That is, if you want a quality built unit that will last a long time.
I've got a JB artica and am happy with it. I don't have a comparison to other chillers, but it's not quiet per se. I think the main thing is to get one that's rated higher than your gallons so it won't be on for very long and the noise will only be on for a short time. I have a 1/3 hp for 200+ gallons and it's never on for more than 40 minutes at a time.
but don't go to much over board as then if a thermo fails it could freeze your tank like that guy in LA just a few weeks ago. He came home to very very cold water after his thermostat failed.
+ 1 for JBJ Artica's. I would say a 1/4 or a 1/5. They are quiet, reliable and not overly large. I have been using them for about 8 years and never had a problem.
Brian I fear your experience is the minority when it comes to those.