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Whats the best brand for salt?

Just wondering whats the best brand is for salt. I read the article for the salt testing and saw Reef Crystal Seasalt was the best (in that test). Then I saw that they had problems.. >< So now as a newbie what is the best salt mix?
I'm using Reef Crystals, and I am not having any problems. As soon as I finish the bucket of Reef Crystals, I will be jumping ship and using SeaChem Reef Salt.
I have also used Tunze salt in the past with good results, though being a reefer on a budget I cannot afford to continually pay the price Tunze wants for their salt.
I was going to go with the boner of the month salt on nanoreef a few months back but then talked to my LFS and he basically said "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

I started with Coralife scientific marine salt and have been using it with no problems at all. $.02
Same here Jay, I have been using Coralife for 8 years and never had a problem with it. I don't think a lot of people are using Coralife but it always worked for me so I always stayed with it.
I don't think you are going to get a single "this is the best" answer from anyone as indicated from above. Some people have been either snake bit or have read things about one particular brand of salt that seriously turns them off. Others just have been using one particular type and are used to doing what they need to do to make whatever adjustments are necessary or have a brand loyalty.

Some salts will have very high numbers in certain areas and very low in others, some are more balanced etc. etc..

Personally I use Tropic Marin Pro but I know there are several other brands that are likely just as good. My thought process is why fix what ain't broke. I know when I was deciding I read a bunch on Reef Central and tried to make the best decision based on stability, and the chemical levels I thought would work best with what I was running.
OKi.. Thats a good point. I think that I have a founding point. I was reading that reefkeepers test on salt. The test made me aware that not all salt are equal. As this response also points out that everyone has a differnt opinion for very valid reasons. Tropic Marin Pro seems to have a good vote though... Is the Tropic Marine Pro & Seachem Reef a better balance in its mix?
itsacrispy, I use Oceanic, I think it tends to have a higher calcium content than some other brands. I also use IO (Instant Ocean). I supplement all my water anyway, so I think it doesn't matter too much. I just can't get myself to pay top dollar for salt when things are alive and growing, and you throw out a good portion of that water on a weekly basis...sigh. I keep thinking...there has got to be a way to use the change water to grow something...
No real opinion on "Best" but I used to use Instant Ocean, then switched to Reef Crystals...probably about the time it had a quality problem.

I'm not sure at all if it's related, but all my nice RBTA's bleached to hot pink for A YEAR. Recently, I switched back to IO (mostly because I'm running out of RC) and ... some of the RBTA's are regaining their orange colour. Again, I have no idea if there is ANY correlation at all.
So now I'm using IO, and mixing in whatever RC I have left. I'm not sure if my batch of RC was affected by the quality issue...but as far as I know, the "quality issue" was just having RC buckets filled with IO...so in my case that basically means ...nothing! But I'm not sure if that was the RC issue.

I'll use one or the other of those, they work for me and I'm scared to try some other salt...I can see no advantage to switching to another salt.
