
When people say

One time someone asked whether or not they could put a blue tang into a 20g tank. I instinctively said no, and told the person that the blue tang would not be happy in that tank for any amount of time, really. This person then responded with, "well, people shouldn't be keeping fish in tanks to begin with, so this isn't that bad" I didn't know what to say, or think -what would you have thought, or replied with?
I would have said: "people die no matter what, so it's not that bad to kill them now right?"

In a way maybe we shouldn't keep any pets at all?
I would have said, "you are correct, however if you're going to keep fish in tanks then at least try to be somewhat responsible for it. People driving causes pollution which is bad too, but if you go for a car that pollutes a little less it's not as bad"

Or could have gone a different direction and mention how it is possible to keep them alive long in captivity simply due to lack of predation :D