
Will resume normal operaion shortly. Please contact support team

is that from .com or .org? I thought .org was up and .com was going to be up shortly?
Its the hosting company. They suspended our account due to high request on their server. We are upgrading and dealing with the server to handle our website. Should be up this week.
under which... .org or .com or both? Looking to update the BAYMAC link in case it's .org
.org will be up 1st, .com will go up once adolfo can get the DBTC threads from the old Drupal site into the new drupal site, appreantly this is hard, maybe erin could help.
Once Adolfo and the hosting company work out their issues someone will contact you cuz we have had nothing but issues

FYI gresham, still works as a front page (not sure why since we were said to be using to much banwidth) but if you want to have a baymac link to their I will make sure to tell you when the .org site is back up.
There are import and export modules for the software but haven't found one that will move the forum post form Drupal to another site as well as comments and keep them in the right categories and chains working.

I am still working on getting the hosting serves working again.
So we were already killing the bandwith? And not everybody is even close to switching over. So is this going to be a persistant thing?
pixelpixi said:
It would probably be easier to dump the sql to a file and restore it on the new host than to use some sort of import/export module.

Hopefully Adolfo can find some time to use your Drupal infomation center.

In other news the site should be back up today, crosses fingers