Cali Kid Corals

Yay! TiVo won against Dish Echostar, so I rewarded myself with this...

I've been working at TiVo for nearly 10 years and yesterday we had a major court ruling in our five year lawsuit against DISH Echostar the satellite operator. It's been a long battle with DISH. They appealed it all the way to the Supreme Court...

Anyways, the judge came down hard on them and ordered them to pay $190M in damages, with more to come because they were found in contempt of court. Additionally, the judge upheld the injunction against all of their DVRs, meaning they have to license from us or shut off their customers. (I'm sure they will settle, so DISH users need not worry.)

Anyways, the stock shot up almost double and so I rewarded myself with this:


Everyone is in a really good mood at the office today. :p
Almost forgot you worked for Tivo! Yeah read about that though, unfortunately every news article is very vague about exactly what the infringement was on.

Just to shoot it out there, there are too many damn patents that skate on the edge of vague and apparently vague is legal *shrug*... case in point PFO against that other company with "leds that grow stuff"

Btw, I see no picture of your reward :D
Fixed the image, so it should appear in the post now. It's a red plate coral.

Yeah, the whole patent system is a big mess... I think there's value in the concept of patents to inspire innovation and to help inventors capitalize on the rewards of their R&D, but the actual execution of the system leaves a lot to be desired.

Obviously I'm biased, but in this case, I think TiVo clearly had a multiyear headstart in the concept/technology that is the DVR so I don't feel too bad about the fact that we've taken them to the mat. We're a pretty anti-litigious company, but sometimes you don't have too many other choices.

With PFO, you have an example of a patent holder with clearly no interest in the aquarium market, shutting down a non-competing product. Pretty lame, IMO.
/reverse whip!

Just wait til she finishes then!!! hide your CC. lock your bank're in for a world of hurt!
btw, don't show ian your new amazing plate. He has a plate addiction and will TRY to convince you to frag it like the scholy :p
Hey, so does Comcast license the boxes from Tivo as well?

Yeah, I have been a longtime Tivo customer for awhile now LONG LIVE TIVO!
Yes, Comcast licenses our technology and you can get TiVo-Comcast DVRs in New England right now... it's a slow rollout. We're expanding to a few more markets this year. Wouldn't hold my breath for a SF Bay TiVo-Comcast product just yet, although you can use TiVo just fine on Comcast with CableCARDs.

That red plate just shipped so it should be here tomorrow. I'm pretty excited to see what it looks like in person. The Diver's Den photo looks a bit oversaturated, but I have found them to pretty accurately depict their livestock in the past.
Nah, it doesn't quite work that way. I wish. I do benefit nicely from the almost 80% gain in the stock from two days ago though...
good for Tivo! I've been a loyal customer for many years. Nice to see a stock go up 80%, and even nicer to pick up a piece or two as a 'reward'. You ought to give yourself another 'reward' at BAYMAC. :bigsmile: