
Yellow coris wrasse

Will a small one pick on invertebrates in my tank?
Small hermit crabs, and any ornamental shrimp?
Has anyone ever had one of these guys nip at their corals?
I had one for a while, it was probably 3" big. Didn't seem to bother my shrimp - I have two cleaners and one fire shrimp. I don't think it bothered the hermits either. No coral nipping, and did a nice job controlling brown flatworms. I lost it when it jumped through the egg crate one day and got stuck on top. :(
Had plenty over the years. Don't bother corals at all, and no hermits that I could notice. Wouldn't look twice at cleaner/fire shrimp but I haven't tried him with sexy shrimp/anemone shrimp. Those are more what I would call ornamental shrimp btw.
I have had a coris wrasse in the past, and they are model citizens.

They do not bother any corals or any of my cleaner shrimps.
I had a Yellow (not really a)coris wrasse, specifically for the planeria issues.. however he dove into the rocks when introduced to hide, and never saw him after.