Cali Kid Corals

Apex tutorial


Supporting Member
Can someone host a zoom tutorial on the Apex and its equipments? I feel it's more powerful and useful than for monitoring ph, heat, and turning equipments on off manually.
Covid put a damper on the in person events, but we are coming out the other side. Doing the indoor/outdoor hybrid event seems to be a good compromise for now, which we can do at my house. There are only a couple weekends that wouldn't work for me but I am pretty flexible. We can take this offline with the BOD's to figure out a date then make the event happen.
Alright, let's not take this offline.

I am busy last weekend of March, and I wanted to get my advanced open water padi cert which I think is last weekend of April at Any water dive shop.

Let's pick a day outside of those that work and do it!

Or we can do the zoom tutorial anytime since we have a BAR zoom account now.
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@H2OPlayar ill get the ball rolling on this. Anyone in particular I should keep in the loop?
If there’s any support you’d like from the bod just ask. Maybe funds for anything you might need. Seems like not an in person event so probably no need for a meeting location or food etc…
We do have a zoom account and are open to spending money on events like this if you have any ideas that would require funds.
If there’s any support you’d like from the bod just ask. Maybe funds for anything you might need. Seems like not an in person event so probably no need for a meeting location or food etc…
We do have a zoom account and are open to spending money on events like this if you have any ideas that would require funds.
Ya sounds straight forward. I’ll try and touch base with victor and get some availability options.

Just wanted to make sure there wasn’t some decorum/protocol stuff I wasn’t aware of.