
Elos 120 (liter)

Aquascape update. Prior skyline:

New skyline:

Substantial growth on the purple rim Capricornis monti cap that Tuberider donated to my tank

Same thing with the Meteor Shower Cyphastrea purchased at Neptune:
mpoletti said:
screebo said:
You know the band saw is always plugged in! :bigsmile:

I had to get some new bearings as mine was getting too much use :)
I can see it coming, Mark! I've got my spare parts catalog close at hand. I'm using a Gryphon saw and love it's big table, ease of set-up and clean-up. I even use it to cut the base off those tough plastic ORA plugs prior to mounting. Before the band saw, I'd hold them in a vice and used hack saws or coping saws to cut them off, placing the mounted frag and in serious jeopardy if my saw slipped. My idea of a good time is to see the saw running, tank water lightly splashing off the blade, freshly sawed LPS soaking in Revive as I greedily consider other candidates in the tank. Just like "cuttin' butter". Fragadelic!
So time for an update. Special credit to Jim at Green Marine for having the most interesting selection of unusual livestock. Several very nice additions to the tank post-visit to Green Marine. Some great cyphastrea and favia morphs. I've found permanent placement for everything and I'm very happy with the final aquascape settling in and showing a nice rate of growth and balance of health.
Here's some current shots.













Looking good! Love the encrusting monti, 5th one from the last pic. Are you prepared to 'prune' your acros regularly, when they start growing you're going to have a serious acro forest.
tuberider said:
Fah-via, not Fay-via :D, I got your message, sorry, I left my phone in the truck and forgot to check it until late...

When I say "Fah-via" I feel like I should be drinking tea with Muffy and acting snooty..... :)
CookieJar said:
Looking good! Love the encrusting monti, 5th one from the last pic. Are you prepared to 'prune' your acros regularly, when they start growing you're going to have a serious acro forest.
Thanks Bill. The monti you refer to is very different. When it's real happy, it's background is lime green with those two tone polyps of purple and blue. I bought it as the little square you see in the center of the disc from Aquatic Gallery in Milpitas one year ago. By the summer or late spring, I'll be sawing half of it into 1/2" frags and getting it out to DBTC.
Beautiful photos, John! I really like your duncan colony in the front of the tank, and need to come visit you to frag my duncans. Frag racks definitely increased when you re-aquascaped ;)
99sf said:
Beautiful photos, John! I really like your duncan colony in the front of the tank, and need to come visit you to frag my duncans. Frag racks definitely increased when you re-aquascaped ;)
Thanks Christina,
I just fragged 1/2 the remaining colony of Duncans, left 6 heads in the display tank and now have 6 individual heads mounted and ready to post back to the DBTC chain. You are very welcome to pack up your duncans and bring them to San Carlos for trimming. I'm also still "Have-Bandsaw-Will-Travel" and would be glad to take a drive to meet you for a sawing session. Duncans are so easy to do precision separation surgery and a cinch to mount.
Thanks Eileen. When it was mounted vertically near the top of the tank it encrusted quickly but the background was mostly brown with just a hint of lime green on the new edges. Once I moved it to the bottom of the tank and faced it toward the light, it's coming around to very lime green background and the encrusting continues to go like gangbusters. I'm excited about sharing DBTC frags of all my "weird stuff" when it grows out sufficiently. :bigsmile:
Wow. Awesome. Really filled out nicely. I'll have to come out just to visit you and you're system soon. :) You should do the same.

I have some new items in my system and even have three healthy tank raised hippocampus hippocampi (Sp?).

In any event everything is cool 8)
Wow. Awesome. Really filled out nicely. I'll have to come out just to visit you and you're system soon. :) You should do the same.

I have some new items in my system and even have three healthy tank raised hippocampus hippocampi (Sp?). I'm streaming them live and have some vids there too.

IIn any event everything is cool 8)
Wow. Awesome. Really filled out nicely. I'll have to come out just to visit you and you're system soon. :) You should do the same.

I have some new items in my system and even have three healthy tank raised hippocampus / hippocampi (Sp?). I'm streaming them live and have some vids there too.

In any event everything is cool 8)
konkers said:
It was great seeing you tank on Tuesday. Thanks for the Mystery Monti frag!
Same here, Erik. You'll enjoy watching how quickly it colors up and starts to encrust/build or whatever it is that it does in such a random fashion.
Reef Keeper said:
Wow. Awesome. Really filled out nicely. I'll have to come out just to visit you and you're system soon. :) You should do the same.

I have some new items in my system and even have three healthy tank raised hippocampus / hippocampi (Sp?). I'm streaming them live and have some vids there too.

In any event everything is cool 8)
Always something going on in our tanks! :bigsmile: